CAP-XX Forum

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18:39 01/05/2015

looks like sell from HARGREAVE HALE LIMITED if u look rns its exactly 16 mill

18:38 01/05/2015

any thoughts about 16 mill trade 2.76

17:49 01/05/2015

That would be nice Brightlight

17:32 01/05/2015

661,230 looks like my trade but wrong time I bought at 15 13pm

16:37 01/05/2015

gotta feel for the guys who sold at 2.21p

16:33 01/05/2015

only have 40k in here at 3.55 again should of held!! put some into GSR

16:32 01/05/2015

Nice, cheers guys

16:32 01/05/2015

3.625 close

16:32 01/05/2015

1Private your trade popped up

16:32 01/05/2015

Cheers! Close price?