CAP-XX Forum

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09:42 08/05/2015

more buys than sells now should start moving up again

09:40 08/05/2015

Buys coming in now take no notice of the snake he will be posting negative all day with no rest just a short or paid de ramper.

20:26 07/05/2015

You should be hung up by your cristalball mate. stop trying to pull the price down,

18:47 07/05/2015

Looks like the kids are taking over the BB.

16:42 07/05/2015

i think this is consolodating well, may dip a little on placing news the upwards, Have you seen NEW and the statement just released by the london stock exchange? thats going to go nuts tomorrow

16:41 07/05/2015


15:06 07/05/2015

that 194k was my buy,

13:59 07/05/2015

just topped up again 194k dont know if i should have waited

11:55 07/05/2015

No names but you just know that the abuse is going to start as soon as they come on the BB the only saving grace is they will not be able to use the bad language on here, you know who you are you spoil all the threads you post on.

11:52 07/05/2015

Just sold some SOLO shares so i can get more of these, from what i have read about this company its a keeper and i think it has a lot further to go, will wait for the placing to get the shares though i wish they had given us the placement price on the last RNS would have made life a lot easier for us all.