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12:27 13/05/2015

will there be news tomorrow here on where the 31m shares have gone?

12:26 13/05/2015


12:26 13/05/2015

Yes I didn't fancy it. I did think about putting a bit into new at 0.23p but I just think that share is so dodgy best leave alone. A lot of people lost big money there on its fall Monday

12:25 13/05/2015

might go to 3.6 though?

12:22 13/05/2015

crazy buying at NEW earlier into the .4s

12:22 13/05/2015

no chance of placement price here

12:20 13/05/2015

Just a shake on low volume to make you think it will go to placing price. Bao. I see new is flying again. Keeping out of that one this time round

12:16 13/05/2015

time to add a few more

11:50 13/05/2015

Picking our pockets now twice as many buys to sell and still down

10:05 13/05/2015

New is rising again