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14:16 16/05/2015

mobster why dont you just sell your shares if you have any and go away seeing you posting negatives on here day in day out makes my blood boil and i am sure others feel the same way. I get the feeling no one wants you here but you stay, now come on Billy no mates bu--r of and spoil some one else's day.

16:11 15/05/2015

if it is going to rise it will start now however if last week was anything to go by will will drop back at the end, some games being played here with the shortage of shares on the market looks like the same shares being moved in and out.

13:03 15/05/2015

close over 4.5 for me

12:38 15/05/2015

Dont be supprised if this doesnt bounce back up after a couple of buys.

12:37 15/05/2015

anyone having trouble buying.

12:09 15/05/2015

All good here. I suspect still consolidating. Patience is the key especially with aim. Had a little punt on Edl now the Darwin death spiral is ended

11:29 15/05/2015

spread too wide keeping buyers away, i suspect you could buy in at around 4.5p

11:04 15/05/2015

should be a boom day

11:04 15/05/2015

Lets have some order news

11:03 15/05/2015

me too