CAP-XX Forum

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08:55 27/05/2015

Tern doing well today. So is Dan although not sure why. Weird share that one. Rising here finally also

08:37 27/05/2015

whight where is 3.2 u idio....

08:32 27/05/2015

Fully loaded here 1.212m

08:31 27/05/2015

sorry guys wrong thread

08:23 27/05/2015

Private. I don't see your trade showing

08:06 27/05/2015

351132 i mine and is a buy

16:32 26/05/2015

4.7m buys 2.8 sells and its down again does not add up does it.

16:08 26/05/2015

Great find GW.

15:41 26/05/2015

Can't stand siting round and watching this garbage

12:57 26/05/2015

The way the Ms are dealing with this share is not encouraging any trading, they have not been running a fair market here for over a week.