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Ripley94 17 Jan 2020

how much is the rights price CPI… XXXX GOLDMAN RAISES CAPITA TO ‘CONVICTION BUY’ (‘BUY’) - TARGET 240 (200) PENCE. Be interesting to keep an eye on .

Johandesilva 19 Jun 2018

Capita Recovery Can’t believe the rate that I am getting back to even. Made a mistake with timing the entry on both Capita and The AA but glad I stuck to them as they are doing all the right things and far from being lost causes. Hopfully back to dividends next year?

contrarianstyle 07 Jun 2018

Citi upgrade Citigroup upgraded Capita to “buy” from “neutral” with a 160p target price.“With earnings rebasement, a rebuilt balance sheet and another £105m costs savings targeted post 2018, Capita should have reached its nadir. While industry momentum remains soft, Capita has a reasonably solid revenue base into which new management can reconfigure the business. The early stages of the turnround narrative should encourage investors and draw attention to the 32 per cent discount to the business services sector” based on 2020 expected earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation, Citi said.

Fabius1 27 May 2018

Re: Blue Morning so far nk'Participating in rights issue, and even buying around 150-160p and then participating in rights issue, have proved profitable for investors'.I would be inclined to substitute 'investors' with 'traders' for the time being. Have a feeling the market 'aint done yet' .F1

nk1999 27 May 2018

Re: Blue Morning so far Numberbiter on 24/02/18:"If I walked up and down the street with a £10 note and offered to sell it for £100, people would suggest I should be locked up. Well, particpating in a rights issue at around the current price amounts to the same thing. Don't do it!"NB you are again losing credibility here (after your endless ramping down on St Ives, when it was near bottom and which has doubled since)Participating in rights issue, and even buying around 150-160p and then participating in rights issue, have proved profitable for investors.nk

Green300 26 May 2018

Re: Will Capita continue post rights issue? Seems like this is the first bit of good news in a while for CPI. Solid support for the rights issue, 97% take up was pretty good given recent events and the quantum of the issue in my opinion. Secondly, the remaining shares have all been sold too. It’s certainly not party time at Capita (or at least it shouldn’t be!), but this is a decent step forward, although probably still only one of many needed. A solid financial base with what I deem to be strong or maybe even overwhelming support from shareholders for management plans is a good starting point for the rebuilding process that will take years. Now they need to fix any fundamental shortcomings in their services - easier said than done!

Johandesilva 11 May 2018

Re: Rights issue I have successfully taken up my rights having sold (too much by the looks of it, I am in the money!) of my CPI stock. Does anyone know if the two amounts will merge into one?

sirgalahad 10 May 2018

Rights issue Many thanks, JbSG

itsfatboyjim 10 May 2018

Will Capita continue post rights issue? I unfortunately hold shares.

Jackbob 10 May 2018

Re: Rights issue 20th

sirgalahad 10 May 2018

Rights issue Can anyone tell me the deadline for acceptance please?

blodon 10 May 2018

Re: sp Yesterday’s close 200p. Therefore ex rights = 122p. Two shares @ 200 = 400 and 3 shares @ 70p = 210. Total 610 divided by 5 = 122xr.Rise today around 10p

wuffet 10 May 2018

Re: sp HiyaYes indeed!!Good luck

mmb123 10 May 2018

sp Am I right in thinking 130p today is the same as 220p yesterday? a 10% jump?

Son of a tiger 02 May 2018

Re: Can anyone explain L
