Canadian Overseas Petroleum Live Discussion

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one4all 11 Oct 2016

boom time buy

one4all 11 Oct 2016

next promising share here got my TP of 25p buy

quackers1 20 Sep 2016

Re: 7 million traded Seriously exciting times ahead for COPL

Elster 20 Sep 2016

7 million traded seems quite a lot

Elster 20 Sep 2016

Re: resistance levels If you look at the Canadian share chart XOP:T it is scary.XOP traded at $2 + ( now 12cent )Resistance there aprox 16c 20c 35c 50c 80c 1.40 2.00So if the stock starts falling back from $2.00 you will know to start selling!

Elster 20 Sep 2016

resistance levels 8.25 11.50 15 all very aprox

Elster 20 Sep 2016

+14% in London A few minutes laterwe have already caught up!Funny how people all start noticing things at the same time.

Elster 20 Sep 2016

+7% in London Only +6% needed to catch up

Elster 20 Sep 2016

+13 % in Canada Exxon Mobil might know what they are doing

Elster 19 Sep 2016

Re: fearfighter Q4 2016 ? OK, I see that you mean in a couple of months.Thanks for the post.Does it make more sense to buy shares in London or Vancouver?Anyone have an opinion? Interest

Elster 19 Sep 2016

fearfighter Q4 2016 ? or 2017? It makes a difference! I mean For Liberia.

fightfear. 18 Sep 2016

Thursday presentation summary Here are my notes from the Thursday meeting. Sorry for the delay I wasn't able to post beforeThis is what was said (paraphrased and compressed and all that):Nigeria:• To be drilled June/July next year• Expected to go into production straight away to provide cashflow (5k-10k bopd was mentioned for the formation)• They know the oil is there (was previously drilled and in production)• Estimates being officially Contingent rather than prospective is only a technicality (due to the way its connected with another known structure) In reality Prospective numbers are the ones being consideredLiberia:• 40/50% CoS estimated by the partners (based on old data and may be higher but they don’t want to spend more money on it unnecessarily and let the drill do the talking instead)• QUOTE It will be drilled Q4 UNQUOTE. Possible spud in November/December (subject to rig availability). • Due to costs coming off in the recent years there may be enough money to drill 2 maybe even 3 wells instead of just one• Prospective numbers are likely to be higher in reality, as not updated for a very long time• Emphasised very strongly on the reasons for Exxon involvement and commitment (they must be very confident of success)• Explained how the existence of trap is being key here• Preferred Rig already in the area for 6 months and with very experienced team who know each other wellAfter the presentation and a chat with the CFO I walked out very happy with what I heard and quite excited about my investment.I Hope I didn’t make any mistakes in my notes and that I didn’t miss out on any interesting details. Presentation available on the website.

quackers1 05 Sep 2016

Re: Board is dead lol Expecting this to continue north as we await the Liberia news and poss Nigeria too very soon

discomixx 02 Sep 2016

Board is dead lol This share is going to get very interesting, great area they are drilling in

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JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG... JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG, KWA-ZULU NATAL, NORTH WEST, FREE STATE, MPUMALANGA, EASTERN CAPE, NORTHERN CAPE, CAPE TOWN, SANDTON, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG, EDENVALE, SOWETO, KEMPTON PARK, CARLETONVILLE, DURBAN, KLERKSDORP, BENONI, GERMISTON, RANDBURG, BOKSBURG, NELSPRUIT, TEMBISA, USA, UK, SOUTH AFRICA, SWAZILAND, ZIMBABWE, UGANDA, KENYA, BRAZIL, BELGIUM, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, MOZAMBIQUE. I WANT TO JOIN TO BECOME A STRONG MEMBER OF RED BROTHERHOOD OCCULT IN SOUTH AFRICA FOR RITUAL PROTECTION, INSTANT MONEY REWARDS, RICHES, PROSPERITY AND BE MORE SUCCESSFUL AND COMFORTABLE IN LIFE!! CALL +27787917167. I know exactly how depressed you feel today. The suffering into your life and family and the pain you are going through every day and the endless tears of your broken heart. Your cursed with black magic and witchcraft and Demons into your life. You are chained to the Dark World of unhappiness and debts. The dream beach house that you want to buy and happy marriage or that successful business you wanna start seems impossible. You've tried all the help you could afford to at least be happy but things just go bad. How many years are you going to live this life? A Life full of debts, poverty, unhappiness, relationship problems. Call / WhatsApp Priest +27787917167... Offre de prêts entre particuliers sans fraude. E-mail : Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dans le prêt entre particuliers, je vous informe que beaucoup de précautions ont été prises afin d’assurer et de garantir les personnes qui font les demandes de prêt. Mon taux d’intérêt est unique et il est non négociable, fixé à 2 % sur la valeur totale demandé. J’aimerais aussi vous demander de faire très attention aux offres venant d’Afrique (Côte d’Ivoire, Bénin et autres), car presque toutes les personnes avec qui j’entre en contact ont déjà été victimes d’arnaque. Ces arnaques ont tellement pris de l’ampleur à tel point que même les chaînes de télévision en parlent. Mon offre est sérieuse, vous pourriez vous en rendre compte à travers la procédure qui est la procédure légale d’octroi de prêt entre particuliers. De grâce, j’aimerais être contacté par des personnes sérieuses, étant en mesure de rembourser les prêts. Les remboursements débutent 3 mois après que les fonds soient virés. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi par mail : [email protected] Faites votre demande de prêt en 48 h maximum. Offre sérieuse et honnête. ... Re: ACTA Stream Log Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dan...
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JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG... JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG, KWA-ZULU NATAL, NORTH WEST, FREE STATE, MPUMALANGA, EASTERN CAPE, NORTHERN CAPE, CAPE TOWN, SANDTON, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG, EDENVALE, SOWETO, KEMPTON PARK, CARLETONVILLE, DURBAN, KLERKSDORP, BENONI, GERMISTON, RANDBURG, BOKSBURG, NELSPRUIT, TEMBISA, USA, UK, SOUTH AFRICA, SWAZILAND, ZIMBABWE, UGANDA, KENYA, BRAZIL, BELGIUM, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, MOZAMBIQUE. I WANT TO JOIN TO BECOME A STRONG MEMBER OF RED BROTHERHOOD OCCULT IN SOUTH AFRICA FOR RITUAL PROTECTION, INSTANT MONEY REWARDS, RICHES, PROSPERITY AND BE MORE SUCCESSFUL AND COMFORTABLE IN LIFE!! CALL +27787917167. I know exactly how depressed you feel today. The suffering into your life and family and the pain you are going through every day and the endless tears of your broken heart. Your cursed with black magic and witchcraft and Demons into your life. You are chained to the Dark World of unhappiness and debts. The dream beach house that you want to buy and happy marriage or that successful business you wanna start seems impossible. You've tried all the help you could afford to at least be happy but things just go bad. How many years are you going to live this life? A Life full of debts, poverty, unhappiness, relationship problems. Call / WhatsApp Priest +27787917167... Offre de prêts entre particuliers sans fraude. E-mail : Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dans le prêt entre particuliers, je vous informe que beaucoup de précautions ont été prises afin d’assurer et de garantir les personnes qui font les demandes de prêt. Mon taux d’intérêt est unique et il est non négociable, fixé à 2 % sur la valeur totale demandé. J’aimerais aussi vous demander de faire très attention aux offres venant d’Afrique (Côte d’Ivoire, Bénin et autres), car presque toutes les personnes avec qui j’entre en contact ont déjà été victimes d’arnaque. Ces arnaques ont tellement pris de l’ampleur à tel point que même les chaînes de télévision en parlent. Mon offre est sérieuse, vous pourriez vous en rendre compte à travers la procédure qui est la procédure légale d’octroi de prêt entre particuliers. De grâce, j’aimerais être contacté par des personnes sérieuses, étant en mesure de rembourser les prêts. Les remboursements débutent 3 mois après que les fonds soient virés. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi par mail : [email protected] Faites votre demande de prêt en 48 h maximum. Offre sérieuse et honnête. ... Re: ACTA Stream Log Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dan...