comparison SLE market cap of £196 mill for 9% stake in OML well. COPL £63 mill for a 17% carried all paid for interest in a similar well...a little bit of upside hereBUY
spud this weekend BUY
whatever the date we are a day closer BUY
Re: still no date Down 6% early, I guess I didm`t miss anything , after all
still no date or am I missing something?
nice RNS!!!!!!! buy
tick up coming. big tick up BUY
equitorial guinea licence award due very soon BUY
bid moving up again buy
delayed reaction funny, strange, that it took so long for the price to reflect the "news"
relentless march to 20p and beyond BUY
Liberia paper article [link]
Spudding November Confirmed by ExxonWoop woop copl to spud NXT month!!![link]
spud soon,, within 60 days BUY
keep buying buy