Chamberlin Live Discussion

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Willow67 26 May 2017

Re: Bought Bought quite a few more into the rise today. Not easy to get and the bid offer is wide. Liquidity on this stock is going to be super limited.

Willow67 26 May 2017

Bought I started buying a few weeks ago. If they execute the growth they are hinting at then the shares are laughably cheap with a one year PER of 5-6x. Plenty of risk here but if they get this right there is a multiple return of capital possible for anyone buying now. Who doesn't love a good turnaround story?!!

gretel 23 May 2017

Bought in this morning I bought some of these on the dip today.Hardman have now increased their forecast to 20.1p EPS this year. They're not normally ones to over-egg things (though there's always the exception!).Above all, CMH is obviously a company on the up. Good to see the other two subsidiaries doing well too, but the core turbocharging division is only going to get better and better, especially given the favourable regulatory environment supporting its growth.And the pound's weakness will also help drive sales and further enquiries in making CMH's products that much cheaper to its prospective customers.

Simbrad 24 May 2016

Panmure Gordon & Co's note on Chamberlin was published this morning. It's up on Research Tree: "Today’s full year results demonstrate the group’s resilience to severe downturn in end-markets and adverse movements in forex. Despite the 15% fall in revenues, group operating margin was maintained at 2.4% and net debt improved by 16%. End-markets remain difficult but self-help initiatives and favourable forex movements should help maintain PBT in FY2017. Strategically, the major new contract to supply fully machined turbo charger bearing housings, announced in February, should help deliver sustainable EPS growth from FY..."

Another Jacko 21 May 2016

Interesting Recovery Play These have been on my radar for a while. The recent announcement that 2017 is set to be a much better year and the new facility and the recent contract win makes me wonder whether these aren't now worth a small punt.The balance sheet is not bad, although a bit light on current assets and a bit heavy on fixed assets and debt is a bit high.Could be an interesting recovery play. Saying this is a quiet board doesn't do justice to the word quiet!

Ripley94 27 Nov 2015

First post A Tom Winnifrith hint yesterday !
