sitting tight ! and yes, a fantastic buying opportunity !! can't wait for shorters to get caught out
Norfolkslim, many thanks for the link. GLA LTH
Viz, you and every LTH too !
They have a large spread !
some good buying going thro'
Court date 3rd July document examination
CHL might well have discovered Coal bed methane gas within their mines, which is in demand, so CHL would still have had a product with a higher value than coal. I'm a LTH and feel that the end result is not too far away. GLA
what does a UT trade of a " 3 " share mean ??
I wish all LTH a relaxing weekend. The news will come soon enough
Good morning all LTH. Orbiter, good find thanks, ROI have again put themselves under pressure !
Orbitor, I see this as yet another opportunity to top up. The SP will remain until there is news. and then just watch it fly ! GLA
Amadan- I think Fregatr was referring to the price going down not the compensation claim value.
Amadan-I think Fregs
does anyone know the current position re the mine and the future if sny of coal extractionin the future?
correction its PT Ridlatama which is I beleive the joint venture partner owning 25% of shares.