26 Dec 2013 10:38
Price at rating: 0.19, now:
Porta Communications Snap up Smaller Rival Concha PLC in Media Deal. PLC in media DEALr [link] r We are hearing from sources the deal is done and a new website will be up and running in the first few weeks in January Porta are rumoured to be paying 2p for all of Concha,s business interests which include….r r CONCHA PLC is an investment company with a focus to invest in a broad range of technology, media, well being and related industries.The company is headed by Christopher Akers,the former Leeds United Fc executive chairman and founder of r Sports Internet Group plc which was sold to BskyB for £300m.r r In August 2013,serial entrepreneur Nigel Wray and Betfair founder Andrew Black each r took a 12.86% stake in Concha via a fundraising at 0.35p.Nigel Wray,s stake is held r via Euroblue Investments.r r Current Investments include Sports Media and Design Company “The Works†in which r Concha hold a 30% interest.Plus further investments in Pixcom Ventures Ltd,Churchillr Media Ltd and Moshen Ltd.
Score: 63.75