JIM MELLON Likes this as populations will "live longer".Old ones got rid of by "putting then on cruses " his thinking .
Why the Fall Carnival have bought a large amount of shares back, they have a healthy bank balance why the fall over the last two days!!
Carnival up Buying Shares Every day Carnival are buying up stock up to 100,000 per day. What will happen to the share price once Carnival stop buying shares everyday. I am a seller now and will wait and see what nex
Carnival Reason for the jump? Any connection with Pfizer de-listing in London?
Re: Carnival I think that's what's known as tempting fate. I was going to sell at £43.61 earlier this afternoon, but took a phone call and then got distracted. the time I remembered it was back down to £43.09 - an expensive distraction
Carnival A life on the ocean wave - and a nice ride!
Re: SP rise Probably has to do with "fortress America", with Carnival being a US company and with the promise of plenty of money flowing around their economy.
SP rise Has anyone any idea why the SP's up by around 3.5% today?
Re: Carnival [link]
Carnival Anyone know the reason for the sudden dip in the sp earlier this morning? Thank you.
Re: The Petition is gaining support Hi JR710 ,could you not put this on social media ? l do not know how to do it , otherwise l would ! !!Best wishes , Jia Yan .
Re: Hurricane Hermine I think the Morgan Stanley downgrade was the reason behind this?
Hurricane Hermine 4% drop must be due to hurricane reaction,now been downgraded to tropical storm.Prices more realistic at this level;could consider buying a few more.
Re: Sound dividend player but seems overpric... Not necessarily overpriced - there is rarity value here. Carnival is by far the largest cruise ship operator in what is a growing market, and it is also a big hedge if you think that the pound will weaken against the US dollar.
The Petition is gaining support Apologies for board hopping but-The petition is going quite well; ~4500 signatures so far. Although it really needs a turbo boost.[link] petition was stalled in parliament since 12th Aug 15; finally green lit on 12th feb 2016.The FCA don't even reply on the matter, now is your chance to have your say.If you hate seeing buys reported as sells etc!!!!!!Has already been sent to Martin Lewis, Daily Mail, Moneyweek & Watchdog.My local MP supported this petition by writing to the petitions committee to help un-stall it.Theres 650 MPs in Westminster, So have you written to your MP? 649 to go!If this petition doesnt reach 10,000; then imo we might as well have not bothered as it will almost certainly be filed B1N; @ 10,000 the government should respond. We are currently getting approx. 100 new signatures a week, but need 3x that amount to reach the target with only 15 weeks to go.At 5000 I will send this to the PM & the chancellor as well as my MP again.So If you havent yet signed or indeed have but havent passed it on to others, then nows the time to do so. If each person who has signed can get just one other person to sign then we will double the total immediately. I have posted to all aim listed gas n oilies, currently doing the footsy 100. But I can only do so much to push this. Really need you guys & gals to help. Thanks to all who have signed so far.We really need a social / media savvy individual to help generate more interest in this.