Caza Oil & Gas Inc Forum

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15:59 04/06/2014

Can easily double your money here, if not treble in the not too distant future

15:58 04/06/2014

Plenty time still to get in

15:27 04/06/2014

the west copperline frac results into July should be the trigger for major rise here

15:09 04/06/2014

caza moving again, i'm off..

15:09 04/06/2014

not looked LOGP for a while

15:09 04/06/2014

tsx caz pushing on to 46c

15:08 04/06/2014

not a fan of LOGP. hold freebies there.

15:07 04/06/2014

we are here....bit busy

09:35 03/06/2014

not at lot of selling considering no news for a few weeks apparently

12:50 02/06/2014

no clue when top slicing should happen

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