Caza Oil & Gas Inc Forum

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11:15 30/05/2014

BAO was about to say! snap!

11:12 30/05/2014

oooooo OBT

11:12 30/05/2014

Is it as easy as waiting for placement news, setting a buy order a tick up from that price and sitting in the sun waiting?

11:11 30/05/2014


11:11 30/05/2014

funny how sp drifted to placement price and then starts road back up again

11:11 30/05/2014

I see MIN recovering from recent fall and placement

11:08 30/05/2014

the love is returning for the oilers

11:07 30/05/2014

14p paid over there

11:07 30/05/2014

1 more perhaps

11:06 30/05/2014

i no nout about EDG

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