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11:59 30/05/2014

shareprophets audience are for people who don't really get it. which is why i don't read their stuff

11:59 30/05/2014

as sp rising

11:59 30/05/2014

would amuse me more if they had opened a short

11:58 30/05/2014

but that amused me

11:58 30/05/2014

i dont like sharemuppets

11:56 30/05/2014


11:55 30/05/2014

Tangiers shares may or may not go up from here, I really have no view, but if you cannot see how this whole episode stinks like a kangaroo’s arse then you will accept any sort of behaviour. You are indeed a mug punter and will be happy to wallow in the mire of the Cesspit being abused every day of the week by the crony capitalists

11:47 30/05/2014

This GSR looking good for more gains

11:47 30/05/2014

TPET annoying me now

11:29 30/05/2014


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