Caza Oil & Gas Inc Forum

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12:05 30/05/2014

was just going to say that too BAO! JD!!

12:05 30/05/2014

just so you know peeps arent ignoring you

12:04 30/05/2014

i noticed you done this a few times

12:04 30/05/2014

JD posters on iii or LSE cant see your replys

12:04 30/05/2014

holding 10, 9 up today

12:03 30/05/2014

i know this cause i aint rich

12:03 30/05/2014

very true

12:02 30/05/2014

buyBAO - but just cos' someone opens a short, doesn't mean sp will go down. just like if someone went long, doesn't mean sp will go up.

12:00 30/05/2014

trust your gut!

12:00 30/05/2014

all the investment research you need is in RNSs. if you get a bad feeling about a company from those, don't go there

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