Caza Oil & Gas Inc Forum

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12:33 30/05/2014

eeeeeek. 55k. ouch.

12:13 30/05/2014

hello pb. if it's afternoon, it's lunchtime

12:13 30/05/2014

closed over there 23p!

12:13 30/05/2014

i assume caza will wake when tsx opens again

12:13 30/05/2014

oh i see bao. your capital letters is getting irritating. you being demoted

12:12 30/05/2014

ya only bold nicks registered.

12:10 30/05/2014

not convinced COMS ready yet. probably people buying in to sell on results

12:09 30/05/2014


12:07 30/05/2014

pooh chart, fundas

12:07 30/05/2014

if you already have username JD - isn't that being registered already?

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