Caza Oil & Gas Inc Forum

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14:24 30/05/2014

not looking like any gaps being filled today

12:45 30/05/2014

hope you get it. good luck

12:44 30/05/2014

6p coming at coms

12:43 30/05/2014

good for you guess22. i sliced yesterday twice. woop

12:41 30/05/2014

interesting to see wot tsx will do later though

12:41 30/05/2014

no top-up till 4 June

12:40 30/05/2014

or hoping for a cheeky topup

12:39 30/05/2014

is guess22 short?

12:39 30/05/2014

if MMs want to go there, they will.

12:38 30/05/2014

at least gaps don't always get filled immediately......

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