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boredofblogs 08 Mar 2018

A decent update .. must be about due .. been a month nearly since a very short "work will restart" rns ? Back in Nov we were getting set for a sidetrack on one and spudding another .. have they cleared the well on 5? Has this 90day flow testing resumed ? Production update on 146? .. come on guys a bit more info on what's happening wouldn't go amiss ..

bobsson 01 Feb 2018

New Presentation February 2018 corporate presentation on Caspian Sunrise website. Very comprehensive and one to study carefully.Chairman states shallow well production in December 2017 was 2500 bpd and the price received was $20 per barrel. So $1,500,000 income per month at present. Other site bb posters claiming he stated production was 4000 bpd, but what he actually stated was that current potential output from the shallow wells is 4000 bpd. Well 146 still to be cleaned up ready for production by the looks of it.Its worth a read.

boredofblogs 31 Jan 2018

Re: Deep well A5 success Yes .. the sustained flows comment were meant from A5 as the title of the thread suggests

bobsson 31 Jan 2018

Re: Deep well A5 success Yes two failed wells on the block to date, and CASP pay $22 million for it. I guess the proof of the deal will be if Casper strikes it lucky and finds oil with the drill bit. The Kaz directors must have been confident to have bought the licence in the first place, perhaps there is oil further down. Please let us not have to drill below the salt layer!!!AFAIK Casper is producing around 3500 bpd from the shallow wells and should be getting around $25 at the well head for it, so lots of income coming in and not much expenditure (apart from todays RNS) out. Casper could be pulling in $2,500,000 a month.Good cashflow.IMHO DYOR

moonie2 31 Jan 2018

Re: Deep well A5 success This is the bit that I don't like. '3ABest is owned by members of the existing concert party, including the CompanyÕs CEO Kuat Oraziman and the CFO Kairat Satylganov. The purchase of 3ABest is subject to further due diligence, the entering into of a definitive binding agreement, compliance with the AIM Rules for related party transactions, the UK Takeover Code and the approval of the CompanyÕs Independent directors and shareholders. There can therefore be no certainty any transaction will be completed.'Never to sure about these 'arrangements'.Too many of these co's are just a way of making money for certain people.Let's hope the independents are on the ball.I was in Matra - same thing there.I think AIM is discredited now....

boredofblogs 31 Jan 2018

Re: Deep well A5 success Guess it's hard to fully comprehend just how harsh the winter months can be out there .. the delay is unavoidable but frustrating. .. not sure about the"new block" but they must see something interesting. Would like to have seen some revenue and sustained flows before jumping onto something else .. time will tell

Disorder 08 Dec 2017

Re: 20p today 100% rise Looks like its gone down since this message.Still in? or moved on?Another stock that has gone down since 3 rafts of good news in the past week is PXOG.Of course they have guaranteed further news regards the gas find within the next 2 weeks so more to look forward to.Suffering like this though... Down based on decent news.

bobsson 20 Nov 2017

RNS update A5 and 146 Looks like shallow well 146 is commercial with 3 zones to be tested. Looks as if the MJF structure will hold significant reserves as 146 is a step out well. Contractors on site at deep well A5 preparing for 90 day flow test which will now finish at end of February. Moment of truth for Caspian approaching, will A5 consistently flow at commercial rates under prolonged test.Good to see the Chairman set out the road map for the company in those recent blog interviews.Oil production could exceed 7500 bpd intermittently in December.All good so far.sp around 11p and should start to rise over next three months if all goes well.IMHO DYOR NAI

bobsson 30 Oct 2017

Clive`s interview - a must watch Have a look at this: [link] upbeat Chairman`s interview. - A5 90 day flow test to start in days- monthly progress reports will be given- Looks like two deeps structures on the bloc Airshagyl the A wells and Yelemes the 801, 2 ,3 etc- Will attempt to unblock A6 and 801 before Christmas.- if successful 10,000 bpd within 6 months- 5 shallows have 4000 bpd potential so add W146 and that is 4750 bpd?- Now getting $20 pb domestic price- A8 to spud in November. 3 month drill (very optimistic imo)- 802 deep to spud H1 2018- Dividend likely to be paid in around 18 months- Licence renewal the best of both worlds, (see my previous post)very upbeat and confident IMHO

bobsson 28 Oct 2017

Licence extension RNS yesterday stating Caspian has been given a 6 year exploration licence extension from June 2018 to June 2024. The terms of the new licence bring Caspian very much in line with what other Kazakh oilcos operate under. Gives CASP more flexibility and time to fully explore the BNG area to maximise the potential of the acreage. Individual fields can be explored, quantified, and trial production brought onto full export production, allowing higher prices per barrel and further unrestricted development of the field. Expect the MJF structure with 6 wells by end of 2017 to be the first field to have a full production licence. First deep field likely to be developed to FPL is the Airshagyl field when A5, A6, A7 and A8 have been trial tested. CASP now has time to further appraise potential at 801 deep field, the 808 shallow play, the newly found potential around Well 54 and other prospects as they arise.We should now expect a further RNS by the end of the year with a strategic company plan for the exploration and development of BNG over the new period. The 6 year extension really does change things for the better for Caspian and (potential) investors need to know what the new plans will be.Closing sp 13.125p, so great potential for capital gains over the next few years.IMHO DYOR NAI

bobsson 23 Oct 2017

Deep well A5 success Finally we have deep well A5 flowing freely at a rate equivalent to 3500 bpd. SP up by 4.75p to 13.50p is a muted response. Think there will be stale bull selling as its taken 3 or 4 years from spud to free flowing oil. Cannot see CASP hanging around now and they will start the 90 well test asap.We could average around 2250 bpd during this period of variable rate test and data logging. After 90 days they will have to shut in and wait for permission to begin test/trial production before moving the deeps to production for export. Just hope A6 and 801 follow each other at 3 month intervals, by the time A8 is producing (beginning of 2019?) all Caspian Sunrise production should be at the export rate (75% export 25% domestic?).There will need to be sizable processing plant(s) built to separate gas and oil and appropriate tie -ins to pipelines, I think these are modular but A5, A6, A7(tba) and A8 would require 25000 bpd facility? If all goes well sp got to be around 30p within 6 months.IMHO DYOR

gotreal 23 Oct 2017


podgy1 23 Oct 2017


gotreal 23 Oct 2017

Re: 20p today 100% rise Hahaha ... I'm not in at all podger ...until the froth blows off this...and you missed top price ... it was 17.125... I just find it funny that people with insignificant holdings feel the need to tell the world how clever they think they have been ..

deeps 23 Oct 2017

Re: 20p today 100% rise Me too.Sold my entire holding (35,271 shares) at 08:40 for £0.155501 - a profit at last of c.70% having held since 2011 (Roxi Petroleum days).I may buy back in when things die down and the froth has settled.Good luck to all holders,Deeps
