BATM Advanced Communications Live Discussion

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car1petbagger 19 Jun 2015

over 7m shares traded today As I said in my earlier post there were small trades all day ( 2.8m which looked like a majority of sells. At the end of the day there over 3m in the final auction and then another 1.3m at 5.15. We will find out who sold and who bought in the RNSs over the next few days. It will be interesting to see the opening price on Monday. My guess is 14.75/15

car1petbagger 19 Jun 2015

large nunber of sell trades today Unusual trading pattern today. Lots of small sell trades adding up to 1.4m.MaybeL&G is using a computer program to break their asset into small tranches.

vago 19 Jun 2015

Re: BATM has won a contract!! Green................Could be More.

car1petbagger 19 Jun 2015

Re: Telco Systems Expands Professional Servi... Hopefully the management team have costed this service correctly. 24x7 support requires more staff.

Steampacket 19 Jun 2015

Telco Systems Expands Professional Services to Deliver Press ReleasesTelco Systems Expands Professional Services to Deliver End-to-End Network Support for all Phases of Planning, Deployment and OperationJun 18, 2015New premium services cover communication networks onsite and remotely, around the clock, and at every level of complexityMANSFIELD, MA, June 18, 2015 – Telco Systems, the leading provider of innovative SDN & NFV and multi-service Carrier Ethernet 2.0 and MPLS edge access solutions, announced today that it has enriched its professional services offering to provide a full range of network support services for its customers anywhere, anytime.Addressing today’s growing complexity of network deployments and operations, Telco Systems’ new comprehensive services will simplify routine maintenance and day-to-day network operations regardless of complexity and geography. Providing world-class planning and operations expertise to customers as they continue to expand, evolve and optimize their network operations, the new services will broaden and deepen customer in-house technical expertise by delivering “expertise as a service” remotely and onsite.Telco Systems introduces these five new support packages:Remote Monitoring: Telco Systems experts monitor the network remotely from a 24-hour support center offering comprehensive, end-to-end fault management and prompt reaction to problem reports.Remote Network Operations Center (Remote NOC): A configurable service that extends support capabilities beyond the operator’s staff and level of expertise, proactively addressing potential network issues and design anomalies from a remote network operations center.Temporary Resident On-Site: Customers can bring Telco Systems resident engineers to their sites on a temporary basis for specific projects or consultations.Permanent Resident On-Site: Customers can benefit from Telco Systems engineers and experts working alongside their staff on a long-term basis.System Staging: On Telco Systems’ premises, customers can verify the entire system’s process prior to deployment and installation, reducing deployment time and eliminating unforeseen problems. This remote system staging reduces the level of uncertainty associated with having operating networks overwhelmed by new and unfamiliar equipment as networks evolve and expand.“The new premium professional services emphasize our commitment to optimizing our customers’ network performance by providing speedy response to technical emergencies and access to our global specialists and experts for planning and operations,” explained Yoni Nabedrik, Director of Professional Services at Telco Systems. “Telco Systems is able to provide our customers with world-class best practices including network migration, consolidation and optimization, making us their strategic partner.”Telco Systems’ new premium professional services are available immediately to all customers.[link]

green.as1953 18 Jun 2015

Re: BATM has won a contract!! vago.....................Really ???

vago 17 Jun 2015

Re: BATM has won a contract!! 100p in 3 to 5 years

suki the dog 17 Jun 2015

Re: BATM has won a contract!! The pathogenic waste treatment sterilisation unit of BATM Advanced Communications' bio-medical division has been awarded its first significant contract for its biological waste solution developed for the biopharmaceutical industry.The contract from one of the world's largest manufacturers of vaccines for animal health is expected to be worth approximately $1.2m.The company says: "In vaccine manufacture, all waste materials must be treated as bio-hazardous due to the use of the live virus in the production process and, as a result, the volume of biological waste is typically greater than in other industries. The director's believe that this is the first time that a solution has been developed that automates the entire process of disposing of the bio-hazardous waste safely. With solutions currently available in the market, this bio-hazardous waste is handled manually on site as well as during transportation and then, again, at the disposal site."BATM's solution will enable the customer to treat the waste on site, thereby mitigating the risk of cross-contamination. During the first phase, BATM will receive $320,000 for the installation of the solution at one of the customers' production sites in Europe this year. It is anticipated that this will be followed by orders, for approximately $880,000, for the installation of units at the customers' European and US-based production sites in 2016.Chief executive Dr Zvi Marom said: "We are very pleased with the award of this new contract, which represents the first substantial order for our new biological waste solution for the biopharma industry. This new solution is the most cost effective and efficient method of treating and disposing of bio-hazardous waste available today."As such, we expect to receive growing demand for this system whilst continuing to innovate to provide further global market-leading waste treatment solutions in the biopharma and agricultural industries, to complement our established position in the medical industry."At 8:22am: (LON:BVC) BATM Advanced Communications Ltd share price was +0.5p at 15.25p

suki the dog 17 Jun 2015

Re: BATM has won a contract!! believe , 20p soon

car1petbagger 17 Jun 2015

BATM has won a contract!! Is this the first of many lets hope so

car1petbagger 16 Jun 2015

L&G sell another 700k looks as if L&G has had enough dumping stock

green.as1953 16 Jun 2015

Re: L&G dispose of more With this "Management" who can blame them.Snouts in the trough etc etc etc.

suki the dog 15 Jun 2015

Re: L&G dispose of more Every seller must be a buyer. Also sp held up well

car1petbagger 15 Jun 2015

L&G dispose of more RNS at 9.31 this morning shows L&G holding reduced from 30m to 25m - that's a bit worrying

car1petbagger 13 Jun 2015

Re: back below 15 I'm holding for another 12 months so I do want it to rise

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JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG... JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG, KWA-ZULU NATAL, NORTH WEST, FREE STATE, MPUMALANGA, EASTERN CAPE, NORTHERN CAPE, CAPE TOWN, SANDTON, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG, EDENVALE, SOWETO, KEMPTON PARK, CARLETONVILLE, DURBAN, KLERKSDORP, BENONI, GERMISTON, RANDBURG, BOKSBURG, NELSPRUIT, TEMBISA, USA, UK, SOUTH AFRICA, SWAZILAND, ZIMBABWE, UGANDA, KENYA, BRAZIL, BELGIUM, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, MOZAMBIQUE. I WANT TO JOIN TO BECOME A STRONG MEMBER OF RED BROTHERHOOD OCCULT IN SOUTH AFRICA FOR RITUAL PROTECTION, INSTANT MONEY REWARDS, RICHES, PROSPERITY AND BE MORE SUCCESSFUL AND COMFORTABLE IN LIFE!! CALL +27787917167. I know exactly how depressed you feel today. The suffering into your life and family and the pain you are going through every day and the endless tears of your broken heart. Your cursed with black magic and witchcraft and Demons into your life. You are chained to the Dark World of unhappiness and debts. The dream beach house that you want to buy and happy marriage or that successful business you wanna start seems impossible. You've tried all the help you could afford to at least be happy but things just go bad. How many years are you going to live this life? A Life full of debts, poverty, unhappiness, relationship problems. Call / WhatsApp Priest +27787917167... Offre de prêts entre particuliers sans fraude. E-mail : Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dans le prêt entre particuliers, je vous informe que beaucoup de précautions ont été prises afin d’assurer et de garantir les personnes qui font les demandes de prêt. Mon taux d’intérêt est unique et il est non négociable, fixé à 2 % sur la valeur totale demandé. J’aimerais aussi vous demander de faire très attention aux offres venant d’Afrique (Côte d’Ivoire, Bénin et autres), car presque toutes les personnes avec qui j’entre en contact ont déjà été victimes d’arnaque. Ces arnaques ont tellement pris de l’ampleur à tel point que même les chaînes de télévision en parlent. Mon offre est sérieuse, vous pourriez vous en rendre compte à travers la procédure qui est la procédure légale d’octroi de prêt entre particuliers. De grâce, j’aimerais être contacté par des personnes sérieuses, étant en mesure de rembourser les prêts. Les remboursements débutent 3 mois après que les fonds soient virés. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi par mail : [email protected] Faites votre demande de prêt en 48 h maximum. Offre sérieuse et honnête. ... Re: ACTA Stream Log Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dan...