BATM Advanced Communications Live Discussion

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anyleft 11 Mar 2017

Same old Held these since 2003, sold out on Wednesday,fed up with waiting.Look at the 5 year chart, going nowhere.

car1petbagger 10 Mar 2017

Re: info Be careful of this upbeat comment fro Finncap. Finncap has always tried to be positive about BATM. You probably read my messages and think I am always negative. I've been a holder for a number of years and been to a couple of AGM s to meet the CEO. He is decent person but in my view will never deliver a profitable company. He lives off a sense of "jam tomorrow" which never happens. There are some bright employees in the company and it has the ability to generate lots of profit but until Marom hands over to a proper CEO it will never realise it's potential. All IMO DYOR.

forwardloop 09 Mar 2017

info [link]

car1petbagger 08 Mar 2017

Same old same old Another year without progress. Senior management unable to run this small business profitably.costs of runni g the two unrelated business streams are way too high.where is the future growth. If it's the pharma stuff then dispose of the Telco stuff. Need to have a single focus and structure. Get new management team!!

car1petbagger 06 Feb 2017

20p!!! I never thought I'd see 20p. 4m shares traded today after small acquisition i'm not complaining

car1petbagger 21 Dec 2016

selling since the early price rise most of the trades by 10.00 are sales and the price is back down to 18.5/19 still up on recent price

car1petbagger 21 Dec 2016

Chinese investment in Adaltis Interesting that this Chinese company is investing in Adaltis not BATM. Is there a sell off on the cards. Where does this leave the telco division?

car1petbagger 23 Nov 2016

one new order - hurrah!! Another order for the waste system, but look at the value and how long and how much has it cost to sell one unit? Given that there is a press release today this is considered a big order. I'd like to know the margin on this product.I'm still waiting for for someone to buy this company and remove the current board. I've held these shares for years and the company never progresses. Needs new management

Steampacket 02 Nov 2016

Contract win...... 2 November 2016BATM Advanced Communications LimitedBATM awarded multi-year contract for ICT network solution in Australia BATM Advanced Communications Limited (LSE: BVC), a leading provider of real-time technologies for networking solutions and medical laboratory systems, announces that its wholly-owned Telco Systems ("Telco" subsidiary has been awarded a contract, by a major provider of high-speed network and ICT services to education and research facilities in Australia (the "Customer", to provide a managed MPLS solution.The contract, which was awarded after a successful Proof-Of-Concept (POC), is expected to be worth between US$1.5m-US$2.25m to be delivered over a three-year period, commencing in November 2016. There is also an option for it to be extended to five years with the potential for additional orders of at least the same magnitude.The Customer's network connects education and research institutions throughout Australia as well as with their global peers - facilitating collaboration nationwide and internationally. Under the terms of the contract, the Group will provide its aggregation and demarcation products and services to upgrade the existing network, and replace the two incumbent global technology providers.Dr. Zvi Marom, CEO of BATM, said: "We are delighted to have been awarded this contract, which reflects our ability to offer a high-quality solution that is flexible and can adjust to the network needs of the Customer. They are renowned architects, builders and operators of world-class network infrastructure for research and education so we are honoured that they have chosen our solutions, and we look forward to a long-term partnership. We believe that the decision of this reputable customer to choose our solution following their POC will encourage other customers that are currently going through a similar process."[link]

car1petbagger 05 Sep 2016

selling property to raise cash Sounds desperate selling property to cash in on high property prices. still need somewhere for their admin team. I all in favour of cost cutting but Id like to see evidence that the business is growing doesn't look like it. get a new management team in is my view

car1petbagger 30 Aug 2016

More "jam tomorrow" from Zvi How much longer can this guy keep blagging - every report is negative and yet he always says that things will improve.This is the most incompetent management team I've ever seen. Its a tiny company with a bloated cost base and no strategy. I'm holding because Ive lost so much its not worth selling and I live in hope that one day it will be taken over and run by someone who is competent.

car1petbagger 01 Jul 2016

telephone interview with Marom [link]

car1petbagger 30 Jun 2016

China development today I'd like to believe this is a positive development for BATM (shares higher today which is encouraging) but it is not clear from the announcement what it will mean to the revenue and profit. In the past we have seen Marom doing deals which have never led to any growth in the business or the share price so I'm "wait and see".I have to admit I don't understand this side of the business so difficult for me to have a view. To date it seems to have been more altruistic about helping people which is very laudable but investment for me is about making money.Marom has to be running out of time and if this ends up like all his other deals then he has to be replaced in my view.

car1petbagger 21 Jun 2016

12m shares traded today Looks as if someone dumped 11m for 13.75p. I expect there will be an RNS in the next few days confirming who it was.

car1petbagger 21 Jun 2016

Same old BATM Back down to 14p. Surely it is time for Marom to stand down and get someone who knows what they are doing to run this small company

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JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG... JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG, KWA-ZULU NATAL, NORTH WEST, FREE STATE, MPUMALANGA, EASTERN CAPE, NORTHERN CAPE, CAPE TOWN, SANDTON, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG, EDENVALE, SOWETO, KEMPTON PARK, CARLETONVILLE, DURBAN, KLERKSDORP, BENONI, GERMISTON, RANDBURG, BOKSBURG, NELSPRUIT, TEMBISA, USA, UK, SOUTH AFRICA, SWAZILAND, ZIMBABWE, UGANDA, KENYA, BRAZIL, BELGIUM, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, MOZAMBIQUE. I WANT TO JOIN TO BECOME A STRONG MEMBER OF RED BROTHERHOOD OCCULT IN SOUTH AFRICA FOR RITUAL PROTECTION, INSTANT MONEY REWARDS, RICHES, PROSPERITY AND BE MORE SUCCESSFUL AND COMFORTABLE IN LIFE!! CALL +27787917167. I know exactly how depressed you feel today. The suffering into your life and family and the pain you are going through every day and the endless tears of your broken heart. Your cursed with black magic and witchcraft and Demons into your life. You are chained to the Dark World of unhappiness and debts. The dream beach house that you want to buy and happy marriage or that successful business you wanna start seems impossible. You've tried all the help you could afford to at least be happy but things just go bad. How many years are you going to live this life? A Life full of debts, poverty, unhappiness, relationship problems. Call / WhatsApp Priest +27787917167... Offre de prêts entre particuliers sans fraude. E-mail : Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dans le prêt entre particuliers, je vous informe que beaucoup de précautions ont été prises afin d’assurer et de garantir les personnes qui font les demandes de prêt. Mon taux d’intérêt est unique et il est non négociable, fixé à 2 % sur la valeur totale demandé. J’aimerais aussi vous demander de faire très attention aux offres venant d’Afrique (Côte d’Ivoire, Bénin et autres), car presque toutes les personnes avec qui j’entre en contact ont déjà été victimes d’arnaque. Ces arnaques ont tellement pris de l’ampleur à tel point que même les chaînes de télévision en parlent. Mon offre est sérieuse, vous pourriez vous en rendre compte à travers la procédure qui est la procédure légale d’octroi de prêt entre particuliers. De grâce, j’aimerais être contacté par des personnes sérieuses, étant en mesure de rembourser les prêts. Les remboursements débutent 3 mois après que les fonds soient virés. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi par mail : [email protected] Faites votre demande de prêt en 48 h maximum. Offre sérieuse et honnête. ... Re: ACTA Stream Log Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dan...