Botswana Diamnd Live Discussion

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BADDOGREX3 01 Jun 2016

Re: What's OCCURING? I am afraid this is typical of a JT stock Pump out great sounding News Market makers ramp up the price people see it shooting up and pile in to the rise.Then the quick and savey take a quick profit from those who buy and holdIts a bit like a boiler room operation at this stageOne has to look beyond the blather at the substance. Fact They have a hole in the ground and they are making some more with the assistance of a big Russian company.The acreage they are operating in was hawked around years ago and was all of the stuff left over that no one wanted after LUC and FDI were spawnedHave they found a massive resource?Are they digging out huge high quality stones and selling them on a regular basisAre they paying a dividendIs the country politically stable and have they got permission to operate a mine yetHave they got £150 million to invest in the equipmentIs the resource big enough and good enough to warrant the investmentIt takes at least 3 years to get such an operation producing revenueAll there is a present is speculation fuelled by good old greed and fearIts an out right gamble not an investment.Its volatile and its dangerous Buy Lucara or FDI if you want to see your money grow and you want to sleep at night The Russians and JT What a combination..Take your money and run...

Yikkes 01 Jun 2016

What's OCCURING? Hi Folks,I'm really surprised there isn't more interested in this Stock. They had progress when they sold a mine to Lucara back then and Lucara found a massive diamond.They are working with a big Russian Explorer.I'm surprised there is so little information going around.Anybody out there ?H

freddyflint 28 Apr 2016

upwards Two good late buys?

freddyflint 15 Apr 2016

Volume Good volume starting to happen here as Russians are drilling, I expect a lot of interest in this stock and hopefully a good rise in the share price.

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