Re: action Good luck, but I'd rather swallow razor blades myself as this looks like it's clearly for fast & loose gamblers. I can remember how excited folks were when Teeling floated this and it was pushing 7p. How are those early investors feeling now? One look at the downtrending chart since 2011 says it all and I wonder if recent "managed" news flow could perhaps be a precursor for fund raising and some hefty dilution? Maybe, maybe not just now.TT
Re: action Yes, today's news is very encouraging. I'm glad I put my buy order in at 1.4p ahead of the rush; the first order through today. For the first time in many years I am now showing a small profit after being 80% down.
action Action finally starting to happen?
drilling Bit of shorting in the last few days?I would think they are on dangerous ground?
News Coming ? Yikkes here veteran of Tower Resources and Rockhopper ! Some you win some you loose !!My diary says that BODs should be releasing key news in the second half of January. The price fell early Jan but climbed back this week.It is Friday.Something coming ?I'll see what The Tarot tells me ..HPS If you don't like Voodo stay away.
Courtesy of Tomatoma2 advfn iii. Maibwe Diamond Project potential insitu value USD 1.9Billion (BWP21Billion)[link] page 14
TGISVP - Botswana Diamonds 2016 The Great Irish Share Valuation Project (Part IV):Company: Botswana Diamonds (BOD:LN)Last TGISVP Post: Here Market Cap: GBP 6.7 MPrice: GBP 1.975pWelcome back to The Never-Ending John Teeling Story
I had previously tagged BOD as worthless, so Im gobsmacked to see it worth more today, at least in terms of market cap (share price is actually lower, but the share count doubled). Nothings changed
just more reports of ALROSA geologists wandering around Botswana, taking samples & finding the odd 1mm (thats not a typo!) micro-diamond here & there. Sure, an ALROSA JV is impressive, but Im beginning to wonder if its really just a staff holiday scheme for their (probably) badly paid geologists
put in a week or two on safari in Botswana, then head down to Durbans Golden Mile for an all-expenses-paid getaway! The only impressive news is the appointment of James Campbell as MD his resumes certainly exemplary, but it remains to be seen what he can do with something like BOD!? As for the companys finances, theyre more appalling than ever annual cash burn will likely exhaust cash on hand (less net payables) some time in H1-2017GBP 0.5 M Cash 0.1 M Net Payables 0.6 M Annual Cash Burn) / 338 M Shares = ZeroYup, once again, BODs obviously worthless how they keep raising money is beyond me. Its astonishing to think unrelated parties, i.e. the great unwashed, occasionally buy this stock. Have they ever looked at the price chart
what are they hoping for here, exactly?!Price Target: ZeroUpside/(Downside): (100)%For related links/graphs/files & other TGISVP analyses/price targets: Google the Wexboy investment blog.
James Campbell I would have thought this guy coming on board would have had a positive impact on th sp. there's always tomorrow
Rumours I see there are rumours around that we have good news on the way, lets hope they are correct?
Hotting up ! EXTRA: Botswana Diamonds To Launch Eight Hole Programme With AlrosaSO MAYBE THIS COULD BE THE REASON FOR SUDDEN INTEREST ?Botswana Diamonds said its 50:50 joint venture with Alrosa, the world's leading diamond producer, will start next stage exploration at the end of September in the Orapa and Gope areas of Botswana.Botswana Diamonds says that four core holes will be drilled in Gope on PL 135; two core holes will be drilled on kimberlite AK22 on PL 260 in Orapa and two core holes will be drilled on PL 085 in Orapa.It says an intensive programme of geophysics and soil sampling will be carried out on the 4 other licences held in Gope and an Alrosa team of 7 specialists will be joined by Botswana Diamonds geologists and support crew.Botswana Diamonds says final results are still awaited from the analysis of the 80 tons of material recovered from the two Large Diameter Drillholes (LDD) on kimberlite AK21 on licence PL 260 in Orapa. Delays in finding a company in South Africa capable of concluding the work were compounded by an inconclusive result. Concentrate is being returned to Botswana for evaluation by Alrosa specialists. Core which came from earlier boreholes on AK 21 is being sent to a laboratory for caustic fusion analysis.Chairman John Teeling said: "The Alrosa/Botswana Diamonds Joint Venture will shortly begin an intensive twelve week exploration programme on our ground in Botswan
Volume Getting a bit of volume now, news is due in the next few weeks, I expect volume to increase and hopefully the price also. The Russians should be getting some idea of the potential of both sites?
Re: What's OCCURING? Hold on Badger McBadgerface me and my brother are veterans of Tower Resources last stand. The battle for Walvis Bay. 50,000 small investors paid that day. H PS and of Victoria Oil and Gas ..
Hard way We shall see what happens and by the way I learnt the hard way a long time ago but nice to see you are concerned about me?
Re: Gamble The only people who will make real money on this stock are JT The insider traders and the market makers. The MMs will have borrowed stock to supply the market marched the price up and now they will be enjoying the shorting process so that they can buy it back for a pittance and pocket the dealing charges and the skimmed profits. The company is likely to issue a cash call at some time in the future deeply discounted and massively diluting the value of buy and hold brigades stock. Take a look at the News History and the long term chart of HER. This is a classic model to show how its done. You will apparently only learn the hard way .If it were this easy to make a killing on the market we would all be multimillionaires. Diamonds are very valuable because they are difficult to find in commercial quantities and expensive to process. It is probable that this development will not be commercially viable. End of story
Gamble Its a great gamble , the possible rewards are very big, I like it?