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Ripley94 31 Jan 2020

TGISVP - Botswana Diamonds BOD… XXXX Heading back down to last weeks placing price . Castaway messaged be back he was still very keen !!! Botswana Diamonds will issue 41.7 million shares at 0.6 pence per share to fund ongoing exploration activities in Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa as well as to provide additional working capital for the company.

Ripley94 28 Oct 2019

TGISVP - Botswana Diamonds BOD… XXXX Good rise today … this was 0.5 … 1.2 …

Ripley94 07 Oct 2019

TGISVP - Botswana Diamonds BOD… XXXX Up 16% this morning read they have some connection to VAST . The consolidation appears to be after the Wexboy post on 29th Dec 2016. price then on chart the 1.975p now 0.79p.

Ripley94 12 Oct 2018

action Thanks for the info taffy any reason you got out of market. Not surprised you feel better for it , think i escaped into share dealing but its took over and become an addiction with me now. Good job you came out of WlFE after the news this week , i took the gamble and lost the lot in to many to give each one much time . Id averaged down at lower prices since our communication so could of taken a couple of grand away the day before , but instead chose to make my loss even greater . Never used the site for charting so can not help there. All the best R

taffytiddler 12 Oct 2018

action Hello Ripley. I’ve been out of Wolf for a number of years now and lost touch with the market noise. I feel much better for it too, throwing my life into other things. That said I still keep tabs on this company occasionally and note with dismay that 250 jobs are on the line at Drakelands. Sounds like Potts and Meyer have different theories on what went wrong I.e. grade or process issues…or both ?? but the net result is the same. PS. Now that IiII have dismantled what was a good free charting tool system where have folks gone to for this? This along with Google finance dismantling their helpful portfolio tool for something far less superior, it has killed off any appetite I have to plunge back in. Good luck. TT

Ripley94 12 Oct 2018

action Off Topic . Hi taffy hope your well notice you have not posted for some time . We exchanged some posts on the wlfe bb back in October 2012 it had fallen back then and you did point out then funding was dragging but you were a supporter . Just wondered did you say with it ? and if you sold when ?

Ripley94 20 Mar 2018

Re: TGISVP - Botswana Diamonds I see SVS nominees own 5.02%A Dr John Teeling company appears hes Ireland most prolific Director has record for listing company's but prefers London to Dublin to do it.

Ripley94 19 Mar 2018

Re: TGISVP - Botswana Diamonds Might have rethink my limit buy order set a few weeks back after reading this post from Wexboy.Its moved up and away from my target in any case.Growth at a reasonable rate ( GARP ) .. Peter Lynch 'Magallan Fund' Fidelity.PEG ( Price - to earnings- growth )

Ripley94 24 Feb 2018

Re: Placing to raise £ 500,000 @ 1... Kishen Ties with Alorsa worlds largest diamond producer.Large spread 1.1 to 1.3p .( S )

Ripley94 15 Feb 2018

Re: Placing to raise £ 500,000 @ 1p ( ... Down a little to 1.2 to 1.35 today.

Ripley94 14 Feb 2018

Placing to raise £ 500,000 @ 1p ( SVS ) Share Prophets blogs........ its a keep the lights on ??

tall ship 29 Sep 2017

SP movement Just gone above 2p this morning, market likes the RNS, still a lot of potential in this one folk

HPC Follower 12 Sep 2017

Encouraging news... The RNS today gives promise towards the kimberlites recently found being of commercial value.

taffytiddler 16 Jul 2017

Re: action Clearly you are experienced and aware of the very high risk; at 0.5% of your portfolio it won't hurt you even if it went wobbly. AIM is a dirty place that sucks in too many other unsuspecting dreamers on punts like this. I wish you well, best of luck....TT

HPC Follower 15 Jul 2017

Re: action Okay, but don't forget that Teeling sold the AK6 kimberlite production licence to Lucara, and we got shares in Lucara as a consequence - which didn't do too badly. Residual assets were left with BOD... and Teeling is much better at finding diamond resources than mining them with all the capital cost and production issues which naturally follow.Small, valuable mines, are much better for Teeling to manage through BOD - although I agree investment in such a company is high risk, quite long term and not for the faint-hearted, nor for day-trading. The drift in the SP down 80% or so over more recent years has though allowed me to accumulate x17 more shares quite cheaply - and is still just 0.5% of my overall portfolio.This, however, remains a gamble as you say... to be held more in hope than firm expectation. I won't be checking progress here every day, that's to be sure.

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