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16:11 07/02/2014

do you regret using 3 id's on iii for financial gain?

16:11 07/02/2014

or do you now think that they were sensible and well informed?

16:10 07/02/2014

Why did Glencore just say no way do we want this company to start lead processing on my door step

16:10 07/02/2014

ljc, do you regret attacking and ridiculing any PI who decided to sell int he 8s,7s,6s,5s,4s,and 3s?

16:10 07/02/2014

so bitter

16:09 07/02/2014

Shady why is Glencore supporting BMR

16:09 07/02/2014

ljc, your arm must be exhausted from still 'waving goodbye to the 3s'...

16:09 07/02/2014

Shady the more you bash the more i you convince me that i'm onto a winner with BMR.

16:08 07/02/2014

Avoiding questions is your forte

16:08 07/02/2014

Shady when you skyped zema what did you ask James Mwale. Also did James answer your questions. Can you inform the BB of the full content of your discussion. Can you tell me why you decided to contact ZEMA and will you contact James in th enear future. Hope we can have a mature discussion

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