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16:17 07/02/2014

Shady when you contacted ZEMA did you leave them your real name or one of your alias's. Hope we can have a mature discussion

16:16 07/02/2014

ljc, sounds like I am getting to you a little "are you scared to meet up"? Bit pathetic...I'd just like you to come clean about what you've been up to here

16:16 07/02/2014

so are we going to meet up shady or are you going to bottle it like you said to ted

16:15 07/02/2014


16:15 07/02/2014

a not too bad for in his 70's Iranian?

16:15 07/02/2014

If we had met what do I look like then

16:14 07/02/2014

I think he would have remembered the stink

16:14 07/02/2014

listen you will never ever get to me, I laugh at the stuff you come out with here and one day you will disappear back where you came from..

16:14 07/02/2014

oh dear, it's all cloak and dagger now

16:14 07/02/2014

ljc, what makes you think that we haven't met?

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