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16:19 07/02/2014

ljc its like talking to a brick wall with more brains

16:19 07/02/2014

site keep crashing on me

16:19 07/02/2014


16:19 07/02/2014

ljc, why do you think I have an issue with you? Big opinion of yourself

16:18 07/02/2014

I am a lover not a fighter

16:18 07/02/2014

did i say I wanted to meet for a fight lmao... I said a meet to discuss things and get it out in the open about your issues with me

16:18 07/02/2014

Shady you could get a wee cup of tea and talks things over face to face

16:17 07/02/2014

Getting to me hahahah

16:17 07/02/2014

Why would I want to meet you...are you being all internet hardman...seriously?!?

16:17 07/02/2014

I have nothing to hide and loads of people know me. You are a faceless basher who nobody will ever meet... FACT

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