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09:06 10/02/2014

SoS, the Heb conspiracy post this morning made me laugh...desperation makes people say the oddest things

09:01 10/02/2014

Morning shades. Looks like there is not much false ramping today then? Is it Ramp Holiday?

08:58 10/02/2014

Good morning friends...

02:32 10/02/2014

DT..of course you are right this has been a rubbish investment so far....but the judgement call is whether or not we are on the cusp of change...well, are we?

00:18 08/02/2014

Buy while these nonsense prices prevail....this maybe the share you tell your grand kids about...9.56m as of today

22:35 07/02/2014

bugle/gasgasgas. Thats funny the bashers today failed miserably as well. Are you on the night shift

22:10 07/02/2014

ljc, I am surprised at you. Masoud has tried his best, even he has failed miserably

21:18 07/02/2014

Here in the UK we have a saying “He doesn’t know his arse from his elbow”. This idiom is most usually applied when referring to someone who is so clueless that they can’t be trusted with even the most mundane and simple of tasks.

19:57 07/02/2014

Wipe that egg off your face then

19:04 07/02/2014

[falselink] blue# PMSL

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