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12:35 10/02/2014

I bet your an expert at all 3

12:34 10/02/2014

shady do you think you would make a good artist.illustrator or writer

12:32 10/02/2014

Answering my question MA?

12:32 10/02/2014


12:32 10/02/2014

Have you ever though in taking up illustrations or writing shady

12:31 10/02/2014

What im trying to work out shady is whether you are paid to bash or you lost lots of dosh and blame ljc and razor for your decision. Hmmm

12:31 10/02/2014

Thanks MA, are you just sticking to one posting name today? Or has Dan retired your 'rolex' identity?

12:27 10/02/2014

Shady you are hilarious. You should be an illustrator or a writer. Keep up the comedy act

12:13 10/02/2014

Dan, congrats on getting the T&Cs up and do appear to be creating a headache for yourself though. For example, "cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety; be likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person"...if I post up something that a cheerleader said last year that was clearly inaccurate (to put into context one theor current claims), couldn't this now be reported as being likely to cause embarrassment etc?

12:02 10/02/2014

Yea I bet your upset about that. My most amusing moment of 2013 was when Razor was so obviously shorting bmr and trying his best to be negative without letting people twig at what he is doing, then the SP rocketed to 3p from near 2p... Absolute comedy gold.. I even warned him via email that I hoped he wasnt shorting! Oh well c'est la vie!

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