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13:02 10/02/2014

Your certainly no looker but i guess you make it up with the love for the english language

13:01 10/02/2014

Can we discuss BMR now. Its good to put a face now to your posts.

13:00 10/02/2014

Hi Shady. Do you ever answer a question.

12:59 10/02/2014

Hello Ted, how are you doing? I'm still waiting for the "knock" perhaps they've been delayed by the floods?

12:53 10/02/2014

Will we keep the game for another day

12:49 10/02/2014

shady do you want to play a game

12:48 10/02/2014

simple question shady

12:47 10/02/2014

Shady do you tweet

12:47 10/02/2014

No wonder few here are prepared to engage you in conversation really wasn't a difficult question. I've tried once again to talk to you, but I just get no sense from you. Back to ignoring your dross I'm afraid

12:45 10/02/2014

Shady do you tweet

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