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11:52 20/02/2014

Share drop..not shared top

11:52 20/02/2014

Bugle...look at RRR 2010-2014 for shared top or RRL....we are being remarkably resilient by comparison

11:50 20/02/2014

Unlike other miners...our initial assets are above ground...they are known...the mega upside sits in the unknown

11:49 20/02/2014

We are in the downward trend of the cycle as are many miners (which we mirror) but we have the advantage of possible transformational news such BMR holds advantage over many

11:49 20/02/2014

l have to wait and ISA 2014 will take me hopefully over 11m

11:48 20/02/2014

Sorry all...I misread my own this morning's purchase am now at 10.467m...(was 10.408 prior not 10.48 Du

11:47 20/02/2014

Razor, I am not talking about the sells today, I am talking about all the sells over the past 2/3 years which has seen the sp drop dramatically

11:44 20/02/2014

because i'll sell then BOOOOM!!

11:44 20/02/2014

I'm stupid. just told you

11:44 20/02/2014

MA likes blue sky! that was strange on the video

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