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sueneave9 21 Feb 2020

Progress Good steady rise in the SP

sueneave9 10 Dec 2019

Progress Stock doing well at the moment - any current info?

sueneave9 01 May 2019

Progress No obvious reason, RNS etc but SP up 14% which is good news.

Rhino1958 19 Feb 2019

Progress Very good 6 month report out today

sueneave9 19 Feb 2019

Progress SP up today. Is anything going on?

Rhino1958 04 Oct 2018

Progress Steady growth since Oct last year and recent institutional buying. Looking good for further increases

sueneave9 25 Sep 2018

Progress Results reported as good with several new appointments. Still no sign of a dividend however. SP up 10%.

susanne9 20 Sep 2017

SP This is my worst performing share at the moment. Has anyone any comments or thoughts where it is heading. I had high hopes and liked the company but feel they have lost their way a bit.

mantrova 11 Jul 2017

Re: down again There is an Edison note 10th July which has eps 9.73p for yr 2018, which is encouraging, so hopefully this slightly sub-116p to buy patch will be the share's nadir and I've bought in at that.m

susanne9 06 Jul 2017

down again Down down! over 22% today - where will this end?

susanne9 20 Jun 2017

Hope This share seems to be plunging down into the abyss. I had such high hopes for this company but they seem to have lost their way, Is there any hope for a bounce back anytime?

claude reins 04 May 2017

£9m placing at current SP Needed £4m so they said, and have £9m net of expenses so some headroom now. This should give them the woeking capital they need to sort the current situation and get back to growth. Strong hold, maybe a buy situation after the sharp fall in the SSP recently.

claude reins 26 Apr 2017

Re: SP I wouldnt disagree!

Speculative SIPP 26 Apr 2017

Re: SP Claude,Given the amount of cash the company had before the share buy back at £2.40 last year the financial management of the company has clearly been atrocious. They have clearly left themselves open to takeover by a company with sound financial management.

claude reins 25 Apr 2017

Re: SP I dont think that it has been particularly well managed. I hope that the new technology will take the company forward, and that the investment in acquisitions and sales teams will pay off. I think that the change of Chairman and additions like the most recent NED will strengthen not only the company and the management of the CEO by the Board but will also increase the standing of tthe Board in the markets. This is a company which ought to be able to gwet beyond the critical mass whereby they arent tight to the nearest £4m in working capital. After all, they are 60%+ owned by major institutions and I am sure that it is not in their interests that this company falls by the wayside given the obvious potential. Major Shareholders as of 15 March 2017 % Holdings Number of sharesM&G Investment Funds / Prudential plc group of companies 17.66 10,278,053River & Mercantile Asset Management LLP 11.59 6,744,367FIL Investment International 8.68 5,053,574Schroder Investment Management 7.70 4,478,381JO Hambro Capital Management 5.11 2,975,000Soros Fund Management 4.43 2,575,924Hargreave Hale 4.17 2,429,281The Blancco Employee Benefit Trust 4.17 2,428,026Investec Asset Management 3.30 1,918,854 Issued share capital as of 15 March 2017: 58,189,266Corporate management will need to improve in line with the potential though for it to succeed.At this stage, the share possibly/ probably offers a weak buy opportunity. You can see, I am pretty undecided! Im not selling anyway!

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