Berkeley Group Holdings (The) Live Discussion

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Hydrogen Economy 06 Sep 2016

Re: Berkeley Group halts work on luxury ... LKH"Their cheaper properties are real rabbit hutches, though the quality looks OK."They may not be ranches, but hutch, a little harsh. I recall being told at length a few years ago that BKG quality was best in the market (at least for volume builders) I doubt that has changed, even for their er.. Bijou Properties.H2 (Applies gel to his hair and hops into the branded mini cooper on route back to the Foxton's Office)

Hydrogen Economy 06 Sep 2016

Trading Update Pretty much in line with expectations - things slowing but not collapsing, BKG holding back on land purchases though stuffed with cash (not the BKG phrase!) "While these challenges persist, and the barriers to entry for small builders remain high, London will fall well short of its targets for new homes" (so up to Govt to keep the market buoyant and keep Londoners off the streets is I guess the message).I sold my few remaining BKG shares yesterday as I think BKG are the most vulnerable to negative sentiment due to high end London focus. I would consider rebuying if SP drops significantly.H2Reservations down 20% in Aug 16 Vs Aug 15 as for 1st 5 months, a "hiatus" either side of referendumPricing resiliant and above Business planCancellation rates "normal" after a temporary increase around ReferendumBerkeley has been selective in the land market, acquiring just two sites in the peri

Eadwig 05 Sep 2016

Re: Berkeley Group halts work on luxury ... shovelier, "The construction companies very rarely employ any direct labour and so they have little control over the quality." You would think they would employ quality control standards. Are you saying that the construction Industry has never heard of BS 5750 or ISO 900x? Plus, why would they sign off on anything that was sub-standard to their own spec? It isn't rocket science, is it?It seems bizarre that a company that has controls to combat 'modern slavery' doesn't employ quality controls as a matter of course, within its own organization and ensuring that all suppliers also comply. In fact, if you complied with such standards, you would automatically be ensuring a stance against modern slavery or any other such nonsense.[link]

Eadwig 05 Sep 2016

Re: Berkeley Group halts work on luxury ... shovelier, "The construction companies very rarely employ any direct labour and so they have little control over the quality."

shovelier 05 Sep 2016

Re: Berkeley Group halts work on luxury ... Most of these new build estates are down to price instead of up to a standard. The construction companies very rarely employ any direct labour and so they have little control over the quality. The subcontract trades they employ are squeezed to a budget hence they bodgit and scarper leaving the defects for someone else to pick up later. I wouldn't buy one to live in.
