Blackrock Income Strategies Trust Live Discussion

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Re: For anyone interested [link]

EssentialInvestor 14 Jun 2016

Re: For anyone interested Added again today, 114.67 my lowest price.

EssentialInvestor 14 Jun 2016

For anyone interested The BIST AGM video is available on the Blackrock site, worth a watch.Explains the strategy in more detail.Another ugly day for markets atm.

EssentialInvestor 14 Jun 2016

Re: Ryan overhauls Income Strategies Tru... There is a significant change in composition, with an equity holding % reduction,the addition of a gold holding is notable.My concern would be their ability to deliver on dividend objectives overthe medium term, however they have reconfirmed dividend guidance for the current year.The asset allocations can be altered as they highlight, so hopefullythis will provide opportunities to add yield at future dates.I tend to add when the discount widens as it has currently.Overall looks reasonable, however as mentioned can appreciate whysome investors are disappointed with performance over the last 12 months.


Re: Ryan overhauls Income Strategies Tru... Hi EssentailInvestor,What was your thinking to the half year report issued today. Anything stood out for you.I know you are positive hence why you added today. I may well join you before the Ex Div date of 24th June.GLTA

EssentialInvestor 13 Jun 2016

Re: Ryan overhauls Income Strategies Tru... Yield in a nutshell.I probably view this a little differently to most who are expecting capital preservation.Yes aware that is the aim, but for me it is a "lower risk" higher yielding holding.Appreciate that for those who have bought for capital preservation they may be disappointed,you need to judge the manager over the cycle in fairness.Added today.

allthatglistens 16 Apr 2016

Re: Ryan overhauls Income Strategies Tru... Not sure why you think it worth buying.Money Observer comment 16th April says it all..."However, those attracted by new manager Adam Ryan's emphasis on wealth preservation will have been disappointed by the near double-digit fall in NAV total returns since he took charge."According to their figures it is the worst performing member of Flexible Investment Sector over 3, 6 and 12 months.Their recommendations are CGT and Personal Assets Trust.[link]

EssentialInvestor 03 Apr 2016

Re: Ryan overhauls Income Strategies Tru... Added a few on Friday.From a premium in 2015 to a discount and as a result the NAV falls is less than the share price fall (currently).The fund and manger has a lot to prove over the next 2-3 years so I can'tclick this as a Buy - however risk/reward looks reasonable(ish) around these levels,all IMV only, please DYOR as always.

allthatglistens 25 Feb 2016

Re: Ryan overhauls Income Strategies Tru... Surely should read "sorry could have done better". The Trust mandate is to preserve capital in real terms which the manager has failed to do over the recent market fall. I am surprised the Board did not comment on this when the dividend was recently announced if only to reassure shareholders about the mangers strategy.


Re: Ryan overhauls Income Strategies Trust [link] better


Ryan overhauls Income Strategies Trust [link]


Re: Topped up on a few more Bought some more this pm at 1.2475


Topped up on a few more Bought some more at 1.29 this am

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