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16:26 15/10/2014

If Darwin/henderson and directors of BHR are trying to jump ship like its been mentioned here earlier and are making dealings under the table and contorlling SP, this is actually illegal by the AIM rules outlined in a document produced by BHR in their website. SO - my point is, Darwin/Henderson are either messing about with BHR and takign the money so we can all dry up. OR they are not doing anything fishy and this is just bad BoD-ship running the company into the ground...

16:17 15/10/2014

Something is not right here, and we cna actually report this to FSA with the Ftse AIM Rules outline on BHRs Document in their website. BHR or any sharehodler or director cannto control the SP or influence it in any way or make any sort of insider dealings... check it out

16:07 15/10/2014

Foolishly - I have taken a huge gamble and bought back!! Price is so low, could not help it... went down to 0.12/0.13 early this afternoon... must be rock bottom?

15:53 15/10/2014

If BHR are doing soemthing illegal and contrary to the acts mentioned in this document they can get done by FSA!

15:52 15/10/2014

If anyone likes, they can go to website and to 'Documents' and search for ShareDealingCode.pdf

15:45 15/10/2014

i have a feeling this might rise tomorrow... or on friday!

14:18 15/10/2014


14:05 15/10/2014

Or you all might wake up one morning to find the SP has shot up to 1p...? This is whats lingering in my head. Like what happened with LOND (and I know some of you have been saying this is not like LOND, but who expected LOND to jump from 0.12 to 1.45 and then to 5p. Its all a possibility, so those of you who are stuck in this, just be hopeful. Otherwise, just have to suck it in and sell, take whatever you can take and go to another opportunity... What else is due to happen? Either go up or company goes into sleep mode like Lond and wrn, but before that happened, there was a serious ramp up and pump to get as much value as possible for the Shares.

13:51 15/10/2014

you and everyone else in here breezy

12:35 15/10/2014

Hi gapup - I've been keeping the faith for close to 15 months now and it's becoming increasingly difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not a day trader or expecting immediate riches as I always look for the medium to long term. I have bought a pup with BHR and there's no getting away from the fact. The BoD lied through their teeth throughout 2013 talking of shipping coal by rail in Q3 and Q4 of 2013. We'll be lucky if this is the case this time next year and that's 2 years behind schedule. I understand deadlines slip and these big infrastructure projects don't happen over night but the whole Karstel reign has been a shambles to date (excluding the Sena line allocation) though by the time we use the Sena line the Nacala line will be fully operational so any slight advantage we had will be eradicated. Sorry to sound like a moaning minnie but this situation is just dire.