shame i really liked this company at one point and was all in, i only got out cause i thought amc was better, fine lines. i really hopethe likes of tuckman end up with a good deal later down the road. its still a good project.good luck all holders, keep us updated with any developments
Good luck indeed. BAO were never ham stringed by AIM. Rather, it was and remains a tough project needing oodles of cash, a decent transportation network (rail and cape sized harbours) and a strong economy.Now that AIM Rules no longer apply does not mean more transparency necessarily. Redbird are investors who now hold the golden goose and will do what it needs to, to ensure a return for themselves first and foremost.Today, I have been looking at projects in NZ where recent drilling has revealed excellent assays for open pit mining of gold. Several thorns immediately buried themselves in my fingers. Firstly the original miners stooped most of the adits, till no quartz was left and secondly, the loopy Greens will never allow for an open pit. Would you invest in a definite maybe not?Let's hope we can see better dayz for BAO shareholders who have taken the cold bath. I'd personally put this down to education and take the loss as a taxable event.LoSA Divers
Re: Rich 1414 If it does get taken down there is bao.freeforums.netBut I think it is only me ,Tuck and Lawrence who would have any interest.But what more is there to say. Good luck with the future
Re: Rich 1414 Well Rich you can still chat about it here as long as iii leave the site open. The future is always a risk but at least we shall see the project in a different light at the end of the year rather than a SP. Now also the board are free to tell the story `like it is` rather than keeping away from price sensitive info...We shall be seeing a rights issue very soon for the year ahead which obviously Redbird will be funding as they hold 87%. EPC contract will be signed with MCC any day now and bulk testing will begin as soon as.Looking at year end or Q1 2016 for a Bankable Feasibility Study and then decisions on which way this will proceed.All e-mail and phone contacts are still available through the board and at the moment still on here as well.It is going to be interesting to see how this will progress, I am looking forward to it.
Rich 1414 Where can we chat about BAO?Well BAO is now Redbird Property away from AIM and it's attendant protections.It will be interesting to see how resources fair against the current slow down. Redbird might want to get rid of this "hill-o-iron" on the cheap or hang on. Who knows? I would bet it's gonna be "cut and run" but that's experience talking!One thing is certain, not every explorer returns money to investors.LoSA Looking at another hole in the ground.
Re: Ever wishful? Is that it then?Now where can we chat about BAONOTICE 20/05/2015 70am NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF ADMISSION TO TRADING ON AIM BAOBAB RESOURCES PLC At the request of the company trading on AIM for the under-mentioned securities has been cancelled from 20/05/2015, 7
Ever wishful? If anyone truly believes that buying up shares prior to delisting was a good idea then please let me know why.BAO couldn't pay the bills, RED BYRD take over and, like all good miners, shafts everyone!The world economy is slowing and I wouldn't be surprised to see BAO mothballed soon.
Re: Sell Not sure it will go that low Tuck. I wish it would. Red bird will want to hover the last few up which should put a floor under the buy price. Sell price may go to sub 1 but think the buy will be above 2.5 to 3.How do you know what the last day trading is, was it on the documents? It would be good to know the actual date
Sell For anyone who does not fancy keeping their shares into de-listing or to the end of this project and they have missed the 6p offer then I guess they have no option but to sell. However for me the lower the better as it is cheap opportunity to grab more shares for going forward.I hope and wonder if there will be a fire sale next Tuesday!!!!, bargain basement and thanks!!!I would obviously wish for sub 1p
Re: News this week? yer but no but yerwhy the big fall ?????some things up i thinknot trying to ramp-de-ramp
Re: News this week? How long will this keep trading on AIM? Might buy a few more at this price, red bird is in for 6p
Re: News this week? Nat,I think I've said it all along. BAO had problems from day one, but there was money to be made for shrewd investors.LoSA As long as you win more often than losing is the trick - long term averages and all that!
Re: News this week? What can one say
Re: News this week? Somethings up
Mayday ..... mayday ....... Well BAO has but a few days left before it morphs into a new beastie away from strict compliance and regulation of AIM. Some made money here and some didn't. Junior miners are like that! It takes skill and LUCK to call it correctly. For those that ride upon "new co" I wish you the best of luck. Somehow I think you'll need a lot of it. I will following things as best as possible and see how they sort the infra-structure out and how long this commodity slump is going to last. BAO can mothball and sit on things awaiting a buyout or merger.LoSA Looking North for transparency.