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lambrini girl 23 Jan 2015

Re: Lambrini Girl yes exact timing difficult...but the Indices havnt started falling..they are at record highs(like 2007)...

sharegardener 23 Jan 2015

Re: Rise over last week there have been a couple of broker upgrades eg Goldman Sachs [link] [link] generally sceptical about these views but it can be useful to know what direction the herd is travelling in!Also, Bae appear to be strengthening their cyber-intelligence capabilities as illustrated by the recent acquisition. Perhaps an expanding source of revenue.SG

WarrenGemini 22 Jan 2015

Rise over last week The share price has risen by 10% over the last week - I can't see any announcements or news. Any ideas why ?


Lambrini Girl >>..wot part of SELL 440..BUY 375(BANG ON!!)...did U not understand..and YES it will be 350 later this year(I know what it will do on a daily/weekly/yearly even 10 year basis)..CLEARLY GOT THIS WRONG !!!!!!

fortunatas 21 Jan 2015

thought this had £5 in it may be reaching ceiling, sp reflection of other stocks underperforming - div yield will fall as ratio to sp unless BAE have something special.

Flyinthesky 09 Jan 2015

Re: Defence Companies Mapped Even Barnet said it was meant to be a temporary solution that confounds him why its still being used today. Maybe we should all sell out mansions and move to Scotland to be nursed instead.Currently I think we spend slightly more than our 2% European target but I suspect your right that this will fall back to this level probably by keeping spending level as the gdp rises.Dont worry about the deficit, Ed's forgotten it already, Cam will have it sorted by 2015 and the others wont be in power .................... unless another coalition is formed. Now who has the best set of Smoke and Mirrors to hand.Wars seem unlikely (although they always do until they seek up on you) so it looks like cyber and anti terrorism will be where the main spending will occur. If only there was a company that did that sort of stuff...................

gamesinvestor 08 Jan 2015

Re: Defence Companies Mapped """"The uk already meets this but GDP here is growing""""Fly, I wouldn't hold your breath on the UK's commitment to military spending. If Red Ed gets in he'll have to spend the entire budget on the NHS promises including the Mansion tax on your house going to the nurses in Scotland under the Barnet formula (if you ask me the Barnet formula needs a severe haircut!).No I think the UK spend will shrink along with the police, local councils, home office and just about every other service outside of the NHS - otherwise we'll go bust in 3 years instead of the planned 5.Games -- Vote for who to reduce the deficit? Er I can't find a candidate sorry!!

fortunatas 02 Jan 2015

£771m US order that should help keep the dividend going

Flyinthesky 24 Dec 2014

Re: Defence Companies Mapped There is a commitment to spend 2% of GDP on defence within the EU. So this should grow. The uk already meets this but GDP here is growing. So the amounts being spent should start to increase.The world might cause an increase in spending ..... normally when its too late.On the subject of late, the two final funds I have been waiting for the income were paid out today ....25 days late.

gamesinvestor 17 Dec 2014

Defence Companies Mapped [link] article placing BAE 3rd on a world scale behind Lockheed and Boeing.It's shows a continued decline in military overall spend of about 2% in 2013, a slower rate than 2012 at over 3%.BAE's sales decline was better than the overall market between 2012 and 2013BAE is expecting a 1+% growth in 2015. - well as forecast at least!!Games

Flyinthesky 17 Dec 2014

Re: Dividend Well I spoke to Customer Services this morning as I am still missing the income from x2 funds. One I am informed has been paid to "FMZ" iii's collection team and will be in my account in a few days! The other has not been paid to "FMZ" by the fund manager although they "emailed a hastener at approx 11am yesterday.Not exactly an ideal system when I know others have had their funds paid out. It could be that other brokers pay the money out on the due dates and then collect from the Fund Manager thus sheltering us from the wait.Maybe its a good way to ensure I dont reinvest too early and that the cheaper shares available now will be even cheaper in another few days when the money is in the account.Shares seem to do better than Funds with regards to income payment dates being ontime

Flyinthesky 05 Dec 2014

Re: Dividend Just checked my NISA account, still no pay out on the three funds due last month but some cash has appeared in my trading account. I cant see where or why its come from but suspect its something to do with transferring some funds to iii. Maybe its a late payment fee ! Weekend now so guess they will be pushing up to the 10 day limit

fortunatas 05 Dec 2014

Company Buy back Seems like this is working reasonably well as far as the sp goes......

whatshouldIknow 03 Dec 2014

Re: Dividend - now Paid guess i win. 17:32 mine came in

PJ Foster 03 Dec 2014

Re: Dividend - now Paid At 17:34 Cheers,

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