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Balone 09 Mar 2017

Buy after it's been carved up It's going to do a GKP. Buy in once it's been carved up and refinanced (if it is) The SP action is telling you all you need to know and once it get's here there are no miraculous recoveries. If anyone still holds good luck whatever you decide to do.

Clarence Beaks 08 Mar 2017

Re: DW did say news picks up in February haha - where is that pipeline of deals? must be blocked like always.why build another satellite when you cant even load up the others?like many other companies, management have no credibility - all talk bo-ll-ocks.AVN is a bondholders company, not a shareholders. value destroyed - time to put it out of its misery.

Clarence Beaks 08 Mar 2017

Re: TW He thinks its of no value share wise and soon it wont be. 14p left and it will then hold no value.they once thought this would be 1200p I remember - oh dear - how the mighty have fallen.

Ian Vesta 08 Mar 2017

TW Is TW still telling us all what a great stock this is?

Accypete 08 Mar 2017

A Monty Pythan Holy Grail Stock This stock reminds me of the old Monty Pythan sketch in the Holy Grail when the knights meet the defender of the road and they chop off bits of his body, each time the defending Knight says "come on - I'm not finished yet - you cowards"Eventually just his head is left and he still says he can fight by biting them.Sad to see, a dying stock with no real glimmer of hope, just a decaying price with mounting debt.I used to be holder and was hoping for great things here, if they have not won any game changing contracts over the years there is not a real hope of any future ones.Its pointless having a fleet of satellites which is empty, then a new technology comes along and offers lower cost connectivity with equal or better performance.I think the silence on this boards speaks volumes.All the best you current holders, I hope I am wrong and Avanti suddenly sign a major contract worth £200 million per year - but I don't think so.

Clarence Beaks 02 Mar 2017

Re: Well, Edison seem upbeat and this lot dont[link]

Clarence Beaks 02 Mar 2017

Well, Edison seem upbeat [link]

Clarence Beaks 02 Mar 2017

Dump Just dump it cause it's heading to zero. there is nothing here for shareholders. been here painfully before and finally learning.

romaron 02 Mar 2017

Re: Time to rebuild Once I log in I lose Clarence but to paraphrase PG Wodehouse - "“It has never been hard to tell the difference between an investor with a grievance and a ray of sunshine.”It's looking grim and all we've seen from the company is a demotion of the FD but David Williams clings to power, talk about Teflon! Time for the new board to show it's mettle.

Clarence Beaks 01 Mar 2017

Pointless investment (nm) DEBT DEBT DEBT LACK OF CUSTOMERSTW is right, nothing to see here anymore. Only a sale might bring a bit of value and pointless waiting for that.

once a week 01 Mar 2017

Re: Time to rebuild I take your point but I guess for many of us long time holders its clutching at straws time. I bought way back when Tom Bulford tipped them (thankfully i stopped buying his tips and moved onto Dr Tubbs who has been excellent). Anyway i sold a load when they hit £7 odd and then stupidly bought back on the slide down. I'm sitting on a few thousand pounds worth and am now just waiting to see if there is a recovery - with low expectations i might add.

romaron 28 Feb 2017

Re: Time to rebuild "If the shares are worthless why are they 17p" - I can partly answer that. Because Solus and Mast hold almost a third of the shares and hold bonds too. Without this self-interest the shares could be worthless. Nobody mentioned the FT alphaville comments today but here is their rather desultory comments."11:21AM PM11:22amActually — just quickly on AvantiPM11:22amAre they effected by all this?PM11:22amOh, i see they have figs outM11:22am[link] lost track of where the Avanti story stands. I’d assume more capacity is bad, and the effective rescue of a distressed competitor is worse. But what do I know?PM11:23amSo they’ve increased capacity by 20%, while utilisation is at circa 35%PM11:23amThats the story across the sectorPM11:23amBemusing reallyPM11:24amThat singularity stuff better hurry up and happen"That followed a piece about Oneweb/Softbank and Intelsat. The satellite industry is awash with capacity. It makes sense to somebody and when the plan comes into play [Solus & Mast wouldn't have been taken in by the snake oil charms of David Williams] we will see if they're as clever as they're meant to be [US hedge funds] or or just coin flickers like the rest of us. When it happens it will be from a clear sky imo. Due diligence late last year would have shown the true state of play and the lack of orders/sales. Nobody was surprised by today's RNS (even LTH's).

once a week 28 Feb 2017

Re: Time to rebuild If the shares are worthless why are they 17p

JakNife 28 Feb 2017

Re: Time to rebuild once a week,I'd like to take issue with this:---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -Its going to take at least 2 years to rebuild their reputation as a management team who can deliver what they say they will, rather than the continued over promise , under deliver cycle they got into.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -It's impossible to "rebuild" a reputation that you've never had! This management team have had a consistent track record from the outset. They are delivering now what they have always delivered: very little to back up their previous grandiose promises.There is only one point that you need to note to understand the economics here: Revenue is less than the interest charge.The bondholders own this company, the shares are worthless!JakNife

once a week 28 Feb 2017

Time to rebuild Not a great set of results for a 'growth' stock.Its going to take at least 2 years to rebuild their reputation as a management team who can deliver what they say they will, rather than the continued over promise , under deliver cycle they got into.I hope they desist from any further capital investment and just concentrate on turning the existing asset base into a cash generation machine before the technology is overtaken.

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