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20:55 12/12/2014

didnt realise was on a dating site, lol

13:47 12/12/2014

RE, you got it about right str123 $1300 then start production, not much point till then, by then the workforce will be "Dying" to get back,excuse my lack of pc

00:10 12/12/2014

www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2870260/Ebola-vaccine-trial-suspended-patients-report-suffering-joint-pain.html vacine not coming out any time soon and definetley not by christmas

20:28 10/12/2014

Far from it just needs a sensible price for AU. It will come, When . well its moving in the right direction, Fiat currencys and junk bonds including paper gold already losing credibilty.I like many of you, have lost 80% on this share.You only lose if you sell !!!

20:23 10/12/2014

Re "Is this the end".

18:07 09/12/2014

I suspect Elliot, "advised" , the wage reduction and hence the strike. Better than shutting down ,saves face.and cash.

11:44 08/12/2014

heading below 4p, now look at POG its heading to 10p and probably 5p

00:45 02/12/2014

start of december and ebola deaths is still rising and not under control www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2856070/Ebola-virus-remain-live-men-s-sperm-three-MONTHS-health-experts-warn-death-toll-nears-7-000.html

18:20 20/11/2014

Wonder if CEY might take an interest here.They are into Burkino Fasa and not so far away. The suma outcrop could pay them dividends ,but too much cost for AVM to transport. Any thoughts ,

12:23 19/11/2014

How come this is doing so well when so many better gold miners are still in the starting blocks?
