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paul1945 06 Nov 2017

Re: Big leap of faith buying in Just + 29.5 cheaper than dir. fingers x

gamesinvestor 25 Oct 2017

Big leap of faith buying in 25-Oct-17 Augean AUG Meredith ,Jim 800,000 @ 0.31p £248,000.0024-Oct-17 Augean AUG Meredith ,Jim 100,000 @ 0.30p £30,000.0023-Oct-17 Augean AUG Meredith ,Jim 100,000 @ 0.28p £28,000.00A fair chunk invested from the Chairman and now also CEOGames

dazedandconfused 29 Sep 2017

Re: HMRC investigation two previous posts i made were related to this...what worries me is the more recent comment in the interims about more than one company/subsidiary involved!

Roger Baron 29 Sep 2017

Re: HMRC investigation Hardly the Sword of Damacles. Wasn't that a sword hanging by a thread? Here HMRC has issued a tax assessment and share price has been slashed. Now possibly a big recovery play.

samdauncey 28 Sep 2017

HMRC investigation Has no-one on this board noticed the sword of Damocles?[link]

dazedandconfused 04 Sep 2017

legal advisor back on board It's good to see Andrew Bryce back with Augean; bet he thought he could concentrate on Brexit for UKELA, but this is more imminent...! HMRC can be a bit 'sticky' though, once they've decided!

gamesinvestor 29 Aug 2017

Price Monitoring Extension [link]

gamesinvestor 29 Aug 2017

Triple Whammy ""Britain is facing a triple waste whammy of stalled recycling rates, not enough incinerators being built and landfill running scarce. That is the stark prognosis of the country’s busiest bin clearer, Biffa, which is calling on the government to think again on waste having followed policies that have got Britain among Europe’s better performers but no further. - The Times""Games

dazedandconfused 25 Aug 2017

Re: moving up now towards OZ, actually...

one4all 25 Aug 2017

moving up now buy

one4all 25 Aug 2017

wayyyyy over done now bounce back to 40p me thinks

Roger Baron 10 Mar 2017

Re: what the... No, the price went up, and today's announcement shows who was buying them.

dazedandconfused 09 Mar 2017

what the... went on today with all those millions of shares traded at 47p??! Yet the price stayed same...

gamesinvestor 26 Apr 2016

New Contracts [link] one of the UK's leading specialist waste management businesses, is pleased to announce that it has entered into several new contracts with an existing customer to treat and dispose of air pollution control residues (APCR). As stated in the Group's recent preliminary results, growth in the volume of APCR treated by the Group's Energy and Construction business remains a key strategic objective in the short and medium term. These new contracts, which were awarded following a competitive tender process, are delivering on that objective and include the retention of an estimated annual tonnage of 24,000 tonnes and an additional annual tonnage of 25,000 tonnes, of which 13,000 tonnes will be incremental in the financial year ending 31 December 2016. The contracts terminate no earlier than 31 March 2019, with the customer having the option to extend the contracts for up to two further years beyond that date. Stewart Davies, Chief Executive, commented: "We are delighted to be awarded these contracts, which align with a key strategic aim of the Group to expand our contracted revenue base in growth markets with our specialist hazardous waste services. The growth in APCR volumes brought by the new contracts will help the Group to continue development of its services to this competitive and growing market, and underpins existing management expectations."

mcescher 27 Mar 2016

Very thorough analysis of AUG What do people think of this DCF for AUG? [link]

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