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Gamesinvestor1 18 Sep 2018

Good interim results Company almost debt free by the end of this year, simplified the operation into 2 business units and cut costs significantly. Legal implications looking good with HMRC seemingly not so clear cut, the company did not make provisions for the historic claims by HMRC, as they are confident in the legal advice. Games

T Soprano 21 May 2018

Colt The RNS re Colt is unbelievable! Let me get this straight, Augean buy a company c2 years ago and now they are entering into a discussion period to discontinue the business! Who did the due diligence on that? Surely heads need to roll for this. HMRC is going to take this business down!

angel al 10 Apr 2018

Persistent buying and 12.5% rise Exciting week and it looks to me like a number of 50,000 batches were purchased through out today leading to the 12.5% rise today.Good volume compared to normal. Given the 25% jump form a 28p buy price last week I feel someone may know something,

gamesinvestor 06 Apr 2018

Re: HMRC RNS update & my confusion angel - it's difficult to assess what goes on in HMRC's thinking - they have been wrong many times in the past.The fact that they have issued an assessment for £37M for 2013-17 may have incorporated a similar reduction from the £12M to £7.5M from previous issued assessments. (that's a reduction of some 37.5% on that last bill)So perhaps HMRC were considering a higher bill of not £37M but £59M before they had their collective brain-fart and revised down the earlier demand.It all looks very shady and government should not allow the HMRC to operate in this way -- it does appear that they have made demands without substantiating their calculations (supposition on my part). That kind of practice puts companies into limbo for a very long time and the stupid people at HMRC are in effect jeopardising their own income potential.It's govmint at the end of the day though innit? - seemingly populated with people with a condition known as "hard of thinking".To be honest this could go anyway after a series of drawn out court hearings and the overall demand of £37M + £7.5M seems enough to shaft the company into a crippled state I dunno.The one comforting factor is that the hedge fund guy Mills and the management seem to think it'll all be OKedoke in the end or they wouldn't have handed over huge wads of their cash to buy the stock.Games - 30% under water thus far, and no divi this year!

angel al 03 Apr 2018

HMRC RNS update & my confusion My confusion lies around the fact that this cannot be settled. RNS is below my comment.If HMRC were certain I believe a far stronger approach would be taken by them. The fact they are already lowering the values to reclaim is a big plus but does not meet the fact the company believes no value should be paid.If Augen are correct and continues to believe that both the previous assessments and these pre-assessment notifications are without merit, based on expert advice why can this be presented and settled once and for all?Can anyone add anything further as I am really confused but know a positive resolution should send the share price significantly upwards.3 April 2018Augean plc ("Augean" or the "Company"HMRC updateAugean, one of the UK's leading specialist waste management businesses has, as expected, been issued with pre-assessment notifications from HMRC for Augean North Ltd and Augean South Ltd. HMRC has indicated that it intends to issue assessments for a total amount of £37.6 million covering the period from August 2013 to August 2017 in respect of Augean South Ltd and from October 2013 to July 2017 in respect of Augean North Ltd. HMRC has also notified the companies that it is considering issuing a reduction in the value of the previous five assessments received, from the £12.0m notified with our Preliminary Results to £7.5 million. The receipt of the pre-assessment notifications was not unforeseen and we remain in cooperative discussion with HMRC. The Group believes from its legal advice and independent reviews of our systems that landfill tax has been collected and paid correctly. We are pleased that HMRC has recognised the majority of exemption status we had applied and as a result has significantly reduced the potential assessment value accordingly. The Group takes this as a positive and welcome initial development. We are also pleased that HMRC is responding to our situation in a timely manner and faster than we had indicated with our Preliminary Results. We continue to defend our position that the appropriate landfill tax has been paid. The letters include HMRC's standard wording that it intends to apply interest and will consider penalties. Augean has been invited to put forward further information for HMRC to consider prior to issuing any further or amended assessment and will continue a cooperative dialogue with HMRC. Having taken advice from leading counsel and its solicitors, Augean continues to believe that both the previous assessments and these pre-assessment notifications are without merit. The Group will robustly challenge these and any further landfill tax assessments that it may receive from HMRC, through the tax tribunal system if necessary. Based on advice received, the Group has not provided for the assessments in its accounts nor does it expect to pay the assessments levied to date. The advice received by Augean is that it will not be required to pay the assessments for at least 12 months. Further announcements will be made at the appropriate time.

paul1945 28 Mar 2018

Re: at 31p strong rises on volume look good spec.

gamesinvestor 28 Mar 2018

Re: at 31p strong rises on volume just dropped over 7.94% back to 29pshort lived rally it seems.Games

thirty fifty twenty 23 Mar 2018

at 31p strong rises on volume there has been some big buying after the recent resultstrading was fairly good and the uncertainty around the HMRC seems manageable.what i like is that the level of it is known ,so it is not like PPI fines etc.. in the banking sectorand it will be netted off against tax write backs,and HMRC will allow deferred payment,so i think the CASH flow impact is very manageable.outside chance of a bid too!All IMHO, DYOR + BoLAUG is in my portoflio

paul1945 23 Mar 2018

Re: 3m Buy it is 5m.

angel al 22 Mar 2018

3m Buy Someone has confidenc

MuddyOne 06 Dec 2017

Re: Website figures You only spot the typo after you press send.....but the message remains the same.

dazedandconfused 06 Dec 2017

Re: Website figures what sort of clock does LSE use? a 'decimal' hour with 100 minutes?

MuddyOne 05 Dec 2017

Website figures More unreliable figures from the iii website.Today showing latest trade as 27.5 at 09:57, but on the official LSE site this trade was at 08:87.Latest trade so far today on LSE is 28.99. Google finance manages to get it right. Why do iii struggle ?

paul1945 15 Nov 2017

Big Dir. buys Just added to my holding @31.1p Also Christopher Mills seems to be very shrewd chap he holds18.6 m. thru his co.

angel al 15 Nov 2017

Non Durrctors faith now See RNS 100,000 shares purchased by non executor his SIPP.Directors showing faith

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