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Olical 03 Dec 2015

Re: Publicity stunt? We are back to where we were prior to this rns. Was just offered 0.1025pence for 1,000,000 of my shares. Not looking at selling for anywhere near this level, just tickles me to see 0.08 pence on the sell on ADVFN Live Trading!!Good luck to all those who have bought on the dip. Would like to see a firm reply from Atlantic Coal

nat-king-coal 03 Dec 2015

Re: Publicity stunt? Thomas holds 378,070,513 of the company's ordinary shares - 7.70% of the issued ordinary share capital.The company says the board is currently seeking advice in relation to the validity of the letter.It points out that cancellation of trading on AIM would require approval by not less than 75% of the votes cast by shareholders at a general meeting.

OditMoras 02 Dec 2015

Re: Publicity stunt? I smell bvllshit...Atlantic Carbon?Why not "Pensylvania Exports" or "American Fuel Bro's"I'm cynical.

forwardloop 02 Dec 2015

Publicity stunt? Atlantic carbon??Climate change conference proceeding.

Olical 02 Dec 2015

Re: When things start looking good I Share your frustration. Everything in the past 6 months about this share has been positive and the company is predicted to comment on a decent set of accounts in just a few weeks time (early Jan). Looking at your post, you seem to be anything from 91-99% down on most of your investments. I hope this poor run doesn't pass onto this share! I would be utterly shocked if something came out that we all unaware of apart from this '7% shareholder'. IE something material that the board and large shareholders were keeping secret. I would not expect this, though I have invested in Range Resources and Antrim in the past so nothing would truly surprise me! For what it's worth, I think the share will be rerated shortly after a curt response from the BOD to the request! Procedures have to be followed in the meantime. I get the impression this is an AIM administrative learning curve for the BOD. IE they were thrown by the request, but had to post an RNS.

m1egas 02 Dec 2015

When things start looking good then almost always something or someone comes and messes everything up. Nearly every AIM company I've ever invested in either gone t*ts up or is nearly there. Just my luck? It looks like AIM is a big business where crooks (a.k.a. managers) collect all the money they can carry, then make the company go bust and nobody ever gets charged for anything. Brilliant!I wouldn't be surprised at all if this scenario happens here as well...

curious9 02 Dec 2015

sounds like shenanigans Why would price drop . Just ridiculous more like a buying opportunity . No reason to delist. Name change may help in the mid term tho. As coal seen as a dirty fuel , not in vogue. This will get thrown out and sp will recover

goldpig1 02 Dec 2015

Re: Not really!! that said , the shareprice reaction is concerning i give up trying to work this share out ! I have always said it has so much potential , just never got over the top. so its a pain that when they are finally getting it together this stuff starts

goldpig1 02 Dec 2015

Re: Not really!! maybe, I know its a different beast but first think i thought is we just cancelled the listing on the US/Can market. that said though i dont think we ever traded a shere on that market so it is different.maybe its just a wako who wants to vent at the BoD

Olical 02 Dec 2015

Not really!! We do not know why the meeting has been called. Sounds like a shareholder exercising his right. No obvious reason why AIM subscription would be cancelled. Would never get a vote anywhere near 10% yet alone 75%! Intriguing though. As likely to be a pre cursor to a buyout as anything sinister. Change of name??!! Sounds like a disgruntled shareholder sounding off. Let's remember he/she has an investment of around £450k. Wouldn't get this opportunity with most companies!!

goldpig1 02 Dec 2015

well thats concerning. read the RNS

goldpig1 25 Nov 2015

Re: on the ball this lot are at risk of becoming a proper BOD

cur de bull 25 Nov 2015

on the ball stopping unnecessary expenditure . good management . a bargain at these prices . imo

nat-king-coal 23 Nov 2015

Set alight Come on Mr/Mrs best buy a few more andset this coal alight.

Seisman1 09 Nov 2015

Stockton Mine Update  Atlantic Coal plc ("Atlantic Coal" or the "Company" Stockton Mine: update on Mammoth seam development, production and sales. The Board of Atlantic Coal, the AIM listed anthracite coal mining company operating in Pennsylvania, USA is pleased to provide updates on the development of the Mammoth seam at its Stockton Mine, together with updates on the Company's recent anthracite production and sales.  Atlantic Coal owns and operates the Stockton Mine ("Stockton" which is located near Hazleton, Pennsylvania.Mammoth seamThe Mammoth seam has now been uncovered in the current mining cut at the bottom of the basin at Stockton.  As anticipated from the study of old underground mine plans, the seam is almost solid anthracite, containing very few old mine workings and averaging 30 feet in thickness.This anthracite seam of will be worked over the coming months, providing both feedstock for the production of clean anthracite products and raw anthracite for sale to other processors. It is anticipated that the next cut will reach the bottom of the basin again in the latter part of 2016 and as excavation progresses the directors believe that substantial quantities of anthracite will also be recovered from the shallower 'Primrose', 'Orchard' and 'Diamond' seams, as well as from the Mammoth seam in the limbs of the synclinal basin.Anthracite production                 For the ten months to 31 October 2015, Stockton anthracite production was 164,328 tons. This represents a 26% increase relative to the ten months to 31 October 2014, where production was 130,357 tons and represents 99.6% of the total production of 165,052 tons achieved in the full year ended 31 December 2014.Anthracite salesClean anthracite product sales from Stockton for the ten months to 31 October 2015 were 151,384 tons and raw (run of mine) sales were 69,205 tons, a total of 220,589 tons. With respect to clean anthracite product, this represents an 18.5% increase on the ten months to 31 October 2014 figure of 127,780 tons and represents 98.5% of the total sales for the full year ended 31 December 2014 of 153,662 tons.  Raw anthracite sales only commenced in the spring of 2015.October 2015 was a record month for clean anthracite product sales, with 24,066 tons sold. Raw anthracite sales for the month were 2,825 tons.Atlantic Coal's Managing Director, Steve Best, said: "The excellent performance of our Stockton Mine continues with record year to date production and sales. As we still have two months of production and sales left in 2015 we are confident of beating our previous record production and sales by a significant margin. It is particularly pleasing to see a record monthly sales figure in October and this, together with our healthy inventory of both clean anthracite product and raw anthracite gives us confidence for Stockton's performance for the remainder of 2015 and the winter season running into 2016.Our investigation of old underground mine plans had indicated that that we were approaching areas of thick Mammoth seam which were largely unworked, but as mining is never predictable we could not be certain of this. We are, however, now on our second cut of 30 feet thick almost solid Mammoth seam and this gives us a high degree of confidence that this will continue over the rest of the life of Stockton Mine."

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