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urrff1 24 Dec 2015

Best interest of shareholders .... Joke What this basically says is best interest of business and important shareholders who will have access to any profit streams as a result ! Not small individual shareholders like me who will likely never see my £1700 again !Also, why do small company's who are holding a vote never send shareholders the voting forms and leave it up to the individual to negotiate the maze ?

Tempestas 24 Dec 2015

Re: AIM cancellation See earlier posts and complain to relevant authorities.Ring Atc and complain, good luck over the Christmas period.Email Barney who appears to have been handed the face of Atc. He has posted on LSE ATC Board.Vote no.Let's make a stand. We may not change anything but let's make it as difficult as we can.Keep an eye on LSE ATC Discusssion board.Happy Christmas and good will to all.

DonkeyMike 23 Dec 2015

Voting No - reasons Only 3 reasons1. The only shareholder to benefit I can see is the directors2. Have been shafted by the BOD for several years now, losing most of my investment why they do very nicely thank you with salary and loans to the company with an interest rate that far exceeds any return I can get anywhere.3. Nothing to lose , my shares are worthless now whether it goes through or not, but at least if they are on AIM I could trade them normally and know what they are valued at.Digusted at the behaviour of this company (far too common on AIM)DM

m1egas 23 Dec 2015

Re: AIM cancellation Anyone knows what is likely to happen next? I don't hold my breath here. If we are shafted here, that would make a third company from my portfolio to delist this year alone. Talk about investing... I'm wondering what percentage of all investors are actually making money in the long term?I agree with you urrff1 - it's become way too common for BoD's to get what they want and to shaft the pi's without ever getting punished. All of them are just a bunch of crooks, and no institution seems to give a thing about all of that...

urrff1 23 Dec 2015

AIM cancellation This is becoming too common on the AIM. However, normally you get a period to sell before they pull the plug ! This should be illegal as although they plan to set up,a matched trade system in effect they have vastly reduced the value of share by using the matched share facility as happened with Matra petroleum or make it almost impossible to deal with this facility and associated fees . Not happy !

AUGERS DD4 23 Dec 2015

Re: Voting Done....thank you very much.

easy-trader 23 Dec 2015

Re: Voting Ring your broker and get them to send your vote. I assume you're with Interactive Investor, so their number is 0345 200 3637. Would contact them ASAP!

AUGERS DD4 23 Dec 2015

Voting Would someone kindly tell me who I have to ring to register my vote and their number if poss.thank you.

TheDrewster 23 Dec 2015

Re: When things start looking good Tempestas, you will recall I "lost the faith" late April 2014:"Q1 update lacking any visibility on pricing is worrying. H2 last year now looks like being negative to me, so H1 profit less a little bit for FY2013, and hardly a compelling investment case.The fact they think they can improve efficiencies wont cut it with anyone whose memory stretches back more than a couple of years, as there have been many failures snatched from the jaws of victory by the senior team.Poor show, will exit this morning. Good luck to those of youo who retain more faith than I do."For all my lack of faith in the board, I sincerely hope this isn't total wipe-out for holders, though it looks suspiciously like it from the outside. There should really be thorough investigations when this sort of behaviour by AIM boards is evident. Something clearly hasn't been right for some time, but encouraging, possibly even misleading(?) RNS statements gave no hint that this was on the cards.Good luck with any action you may consider.

OditMoras 23 Dec 2015

Re: What to do. If the existing 'other' shareholders (you lot) can organise yourselves coherently into a group with the same view on what to do, you can potentially vote 'no', remain listed (or not), remove the current executives, appoint your own, and do what you want to do. You lot (all other shareholders) probably own the vast majority. Bottom line is there's a profitable mine there with decent assets.The alternative is follow the current leadership and have no market to trade shares.It's all about votes!

Tempestas 22 Dec 2015

Re: What to do. [link] from lse I got exactly the same reply.

blueink 22 Dec 2015

Daz - Sorry I mean 'repost' not report!

blueink 22 Dec 2015

DAZ940 - can you report the link to the proxy form. I cant get it to work and I cant see it on the official website albeit the letter posted says it should be there?....I have 2.5M No's waiting to lodge

Tempestas 22 Dec 2015

Re: What to do. Make sure they send you email confirmation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jaymond 22 Dec 2015

Re: What to do. thanks; iv just phoned them all sorted awaiting confirmation now post.thanks again

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