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forwardloop 05 Jan 2016

Re: Dead easy to vote even easier with Iweb dealing.Straight through & made verbal instruction.They need 75 % - We need to make 25.1% therefore.Every vote counts

Jimmy2020 05 Jan 2016

Dead easy to vote Just voted using instant messaging service...'Danny: Good Afternoon, how may I help you?Me: Hi, I would like to vote in a general meeting relating to one of my shares held with you. How can I do this?Danny: I can submit the request for you if you want. What stock is it for?Me: Atlantic Coal plc (LSE:ATC)Danny: The deadline for that is today, what would you like to vote for each resolution cast?Me: I would like to vote No for both resolutions.Danny: Thank you, I will put that through for you. Are you okay to hold while I get you a reference? ...'

dara44 04 Jan 2016

VOTE NO - DEADLINE 6/1/16 This company could go through the normal standard procedure for takeover etc - but they choose not to do so and using this excuse for delisting : PLEASE LET MAKE ME THIS VERY CLEAR THAT IF ATC ARE ALLOWED TO DO THIS, YOU WILL NOT SEE YOUR SHARES/MONEY AGAIN - FACT!! HAPPENED TO ME ON SEVERAL OCASSIONS.DONT BE FOOLED BY SOME PATHETIC TRADING SYSTEM TO SET UP BY THE COMPANY - WASTE OF TIME.

DAWTO 04 Jan 2016

Re: Best interest of shareholders .... J... King F, I would strongly urge you to make your displeasure known to both AIMInvestigation and the UK Companies Office. The following is portion of a complaint I registered:"........The complaint refers to it's recent RNS (02/12/2015 - [link] in which it implies that resolutions to de-list and name change were requested without their knowledge. The requesting shareholder was in actual fact acting in the capacity of a consultant to the company. A subsequent RNS (21/12/2015) announcing the suspension of trading and a notice of a GM to vote on the above resolutions ([link] appears to have been issued in such a way that brokers were not made aware of any 'Corporate Action' requirement and, as such, shareholders were not informed by their brokers of this crucial upcoming event. I suggest that this was done deliberately to keep dissenting shareholders at a minimum and thereby deprive them of their rights.........."feel free to use as you see fit.

King Fergy 04 Jan 2016

Re: Best interest of shareholders .... Joke I have £22,500 of my sipp in this. I'm absolutely disgusted with how AIM allows things like this to happen time & time again!

seadoc 04 Jan 2016

To LSE and Allenby Capital 4th January 2016Dear LSE,Could I complain in the most uncertain tones at the cynical behaviour of directors of Atlantic Coal and Allenby Capital, nomad for Atlantic Coal. The company recently delisted from TSX "in the interest of shareholders". At the beginning of December, Stuart James Thomas, an advisor to the company, and holder of 7% of shares asked for an EGM to seek delisting. At the last possible moment, 23rd December the company suspended its shares and announced a reverse takeover of an unnamed company, which I suspect will be in the interest of both the advisor and board of directors of ATC. This is manipulation of the market and essentially theft of the assets from shareholders. I have of course voted against the delisting but between the board and advisor some 20% of shares will vote for the extermination of the company.I would be grateful if you could investigate, as a matter of urgency, both the company and nomad.Many thanks,(Seadoc)Sent to:[email protected],

seadoc 04 Jan 2016

Re: Best interest of shareholders .... Joke HL very good, secure message and e-mail to tell me I they had sent me one. Very easy to tell them that on my behalf they should vote against. Deadline is 6th Jan for anyone else holding though HL.

cur de bull 31 Dec 2015

private co the co may actually do better as a private co . but not that good for small shareholders . the co its self would appear sound so don't panic . Hope you as a reader of my rubbish posts have a great and happy new yea

tommy talent 31 Dec 2015

Re: Corporate Action - Requires action by YO... My broker, Hargreaves Lansdown contacted me and asked what acton I required them to take.It sound as if iii are a rubbish firm.

DonkeyMike 30 Dec 2015

Corporate Action - Requires action by YOU I trade through iii, and the corporate action notice I received stated that this is a mandatory event and no action is required.I spoke with a very helpful man at iii but it was evident that as far as iii are concerned that no action is required - I found this very frustrating and added to the perception that ATC are not clearly communicating with the shareholders. I pointed out the meeting on the 11th Jan and asked for my NO votes to both resolutions to be passed on by them.To be honest I was left a bit concerned as to whether my votes would actually get registered (only on the basis that the corporate actions team at iii were unaware of the need to do anything)I urge anyone who wants to have their say to make the effort to register their vote. It should just be a simple phone call to your broker.DM

dara44 30 Dec 2015

COME ON AND FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS SHARES!! I know I am banging the drum so to speak - but I have seen this happen all too often and lets be clear this company do not have your interests at heart -they want the compnay off you!!I have sent an email to both links below about companies generally using the delisting option - and also about the potential conflcit of interest where a shareholder with ATC who does consultancy work for them on advising about acquisitions.Please use the linkss below (supplied by a poster on this board) and contact your broker to register a NO vote as they take care of it for you by phone - like I did. [email protected][link]

Tempestas 30 Dec 2015

Re: REGISTER YOUR COMPLAINT ABOUT COMPANIES ... [link] the above link. Many pages of posters with the same feelings as yourself and I would imagine most small pi's.I have voted no.

dara44 30 Dec 2015

REGISTER YOUR COMPLAINT ABOUT COMPANIES DELISTING Hi,Just got back from being away and so fed up with another scam with the proposal to delist.I have contacted my broker to register NO. This really does need tackling because in my painful experience this usually means that Shareholders are left with nothing and companies use it as a means to profit/restructure.Please can you advise of teh best method/structure in making this complaint - picked up a bit about consultant doing work for ATC - Any help is appreciated!Regards

urrff1 29 Dec 2015

Most annoying thing ! I would gave sold even at a 75% loss over the years but they have taken that right away from me ! Surely there should be a grace period for those who have money invested and wish to get out based on a factual RNS !?Shocking but learning slowly this seems to be the way of the AIM darkside !

DAWTO 28 Dec 2015

Re: Voting No - reasons There is a lot of very good views/info/advice being dispensed on the LSE BB with regards what to do and how to do it for anybody confused as to what action to take.[link]

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