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Piltick 25 Feb 2016

The Future for old ATC Shares? We really need to find out what the BoD's intentions are for the future of the small ATC shareholders. These shares still exist, and the company still exists. It's not as if the company had gone bankrupt or into administration. So the shares still have value, it's just that no-one knows what that value really is, and we can't release that value. At some point in the not-too-distant future, the BoD will want to re-structure the entire Group to incorporate the new "Target" company i.e. their reverse takeover. At that point they will have to decide what they are going to do with the old ATC company and its shares. They will either have to make an offer to buy out all of the ATC shares, or convert them into new shares in their new enlarged Group. They can't just leave them hanging in limbo. They may have taken the company private, but Company Law still applies!I am tying to find out what's going on in the background. I'm prepared to wait to find out, but of course if I get a decent offer for my shares in the meantime, I will gladly let them go.

Piltick 24 Feb 2016

Re: I've Had a Thought! I've written to the AIM Investigations Dept. and also the FCA. Standard reply from AIM. Awaiting response from the FCA.

Gaf11 23 Feb 2016

She great she will help with any questions. And she will add you to a Atc mailing list.

Gaf11 23 Feb 2016

Email to Victoria

Tempestas 17 Feb 2016

Re: I've Had a Thought! Plenty of info on how to complain to relevant Authorities on the LSE site if you go back through all the posts.I did.

goldpig1 15 Feb 2016

Re: I've Had a Thought! Do it Piltick, too many PI's complain and say they are going to write to the FCA but never do.I wonder if we all started airing our discontent through oficial channels more scrutiny would be payed towards the AIM market

Piltick 14 Feb 2016

I've Had a Thought! I bought my shares on 11th September last year when ATC had a placing of 250M shares and raised £300k (not very much really). I have a copy of the RNS. It was shortly after that, on 2nd December, that we first heard about the suggestion to delist from AIM. So I wonder: When did they first know that they were going to put forward a proposal to delist from AIM? When they applied for the placing on 11th September, did they know at that time that they would shortly be delisting?I think another email to the FCA is due. Perhaps they ought to put this question to the BoD!

goldmind 06 Feb 2016

most people talking about ATC on LSE board

Gaf11 01 Feb 2016

Your right Atc come out with a rns like that. We would have certainly moved up.. God knows what's going on 11k out my hands crazy.

Gaf11 01 Feb 2016


goldmind 29 Jan 2016

Do not sell it too cheap, the BOD wants your shares cheap, even now after the cancelation

goldpig1 29 Jan 2016

you have to love it no less than 5 days after cancellation they post this on the new website The Directors are very pleased to once again be able to announce record end of year production at Stockton Mine, with 204,746 tons of clean anthracite being produced in 2015. This is an increase of 24% on last year’s (then) record figure (165,052 tons were produced in 2014), and is accompanied by an 18% rise in clean anthracite sales.shame as a staement ike that would have boosted the share rice a bit

goldpig1 19 Jan 2016

Re: Can anyone put in Laymans terms what... from my experiance of when this has happened before the long and short of the whole thing is that unless this lot relist on AIM or some other public platform there s virtually zero chance of ever trading a single share unless you have pre negciated the term of trade with the person you are selling to.only way to get the money back will be for the new company to be bought out and at that point the company doing the buying will need to obtain the shares at a price aligned with the purchase price. but, as part of a now larger company the value assigned to that which was ATC doesnt have to be equal to the other part so we could get a smaller slice of the pie

charly22 19 Jan 2016

Re: Can anyone put in Laymans terms what... This link on Atlantic coal website explains the most up to date info[link]

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