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Tempestas 23 Jul 2015

Re: info A nice set of results today. Just need the coal price to go up!!

goldpig1 22 Jul 2015

Re: info very poistive article there. looking forward to the next set of results. a share buy back would be nice too but i think im wishing on that one

forwardloop 21 Jul 2015

info [link] there are one or two gems around, especially if you’re prepared to go right to the top end of the market to anthracite, the premium product that’s produced by Atlantic Coal (LON:ATC).

cur de bull 15 Jul 2015

Re: Not long now!? Disag

casshy 14 Jul 2015

Not long now!? Oh well.....will be a another mining company curling its toes up....No doubt Stockton will survive in another guise but ATC won't

Tempestas 30 Jun 2015

News. Positive.

Tempestas 28 Jun 2015

Re: any news on the venture export to china? Are they building reserves to be able to export and meet home demand.Exporting I think depends on finding or acquiring new mine or mines.That needs financing some how.Think they need to walk before they run and get Stockton profitable and running well before expanding.Not really sure where they go from here. I look forward to finding out.

curious9 22 Jun 2015

any news on the venture export to china? any news... would be good if it was opened up

forwardloop 08 Jun 2015

info [link]

goldpig1 08 Jun 2015

wayhay!!!! market liked that RNS,

medauntouchable 07 Jun 2015

Could it be...... That rather than a new pit, new mine site etc better that we expand the Stockton pit? The seam of coal is 27ft thick. This is the Mammoth seam, which covers the coal fields site which is approx. 100 miles by 30 miles. With the current reduction in overburden from 19 cu ft bank to each ton of product we have now 13 cu ft of overburden, 10 new vehicle, the reduction in fuel prices. If we go down this route it would be far more beneficial in that there is no further duplication in costs, no need for extra local management, no extra heavy plant, no extra wash is the better than best outcome. The current pit has had a reserve upgrade of 37%Why do I think this? Well just look at the latest youtube video that was released after markets on Friday / Saturday, our man doing the interview (Sam Lesante) when he is talking to state senator John Yudichak mentions it as a company desire to double the investment from $30M to $60M (at this site) this is at 11.45 mins in, I think just prior to introducing state representative Sarah Toohil, and just after US congressman Lou Barletta.This was really good to see Adam doing the business with US politicians. Concerned that people making the political decisions don't understand the process.....However its great to see that Adam with or via Sam Lesante are getting the politicians are on board. Especially if they are selling the merits of carbon for the use of water filtration, with silicon, in carbon fibre, steel recycling and glass products, rare earth metals floatation......basically anything which doesn't link the coal to dirty business.As for full year results, the merits should be good, in fact very positive. I think that people are trying hard, very hard to play things down, why? because they have been hurt before. This time around I think things may not ALL be roses but the half years follow very quickly. i.e. within 4-5 weeks.I am expecting news on Monday at some point, everything has been released on or around the 7th of the month, in the recent past. Which is today,so for the markets Monday. I bought back in on Friday morning with the two larger buys and paid more than I wanted, but didn't want to be out for Friday Lunch time/ afternoon or Monday morning.I said previously that it was important for me to see an increase in the wash room capacity before I could see and improvement in the potential for the full and half year results, but what I hadn't factored in was the possibility that they would simply sell more coal as ROM. But whom too, and why? What was also important for the 2nd quarter was that of the ROM sales This was 9440 tons (Q1) but over 9000 tons was sold in March so this makes for hay in Q2.Well done Adam, GLA, lets hope that Monday brings some good news, NO some really great news. Followed up by some better news on a Stockton expansion, then in 4-5 weeks some exceptional Q2 figures.M.

Tempestas 28 May 2015

Re: Poor outlook for thermal coal .... Pakistan.

forwardloop 27 May 2015

Poor outlook for thermal coal .... [link]

TX2 15 May 2015

Re: well is this a black day for co.? LOL!Having p155ed around £32m of shareholders money up the wall over the years has this company got anything worthwhile to steal apart from a few bags of "nutty slack"?

etadelete 15 May 2015

Re: well is this a black day for co.? it will start its climb and drop before news do come..gla

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