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goldmind 27 Aug 2015

o/t don's forget to add about quiet OXS

seadoc 27 Aug 2015

Re: True value? Sorry, that looked OK in the box but lost its spacing when sent. I will have another go trying to put in a few spaces but if this looks just as messy the bottom line is thisPrice ValueCoal Share$75 0p$100 0.83p$114 1.3p$150 2.5p$300 7.5pAnd here is the original with lots of spaces put into itrice coal $ 75 100 113.88 150 300Cost extraction $ 75 75 75 75 75Profit/ton $ 0 25 38.88 75 225 Value one share $ 0 0.0125 0.0194 0.0375 0.1125(i.e. 0.0005ton)At £ = $1.5Value one share p 0 0.83 1.30 2.5 7.5Lets see if that will line up into columns,SeadocPs - to answer my own question, I have no idea but here (click on vid) is a man who claims to know and offers the information ......... at a price.[link]

urrff1 27 Aug 2015

Re: -21%????? Phew ... Cheers ! Barry

nat-king-coal 27 Aug 2015

Re: -21%????? (Don't worry) ATC ATLANTIC COAL PLC ORD 0.07PSUMMARY INTERACTIVE CHART PRICES AND TRADES FUNDAMENTALS TECHNICAL ANALYSIS NEWS ANALYSIS NEWSPrice (GBX) 0.18 Var % (+/-) +125.00% (Up +0.10)High 0.26 Low 0.08Volume 559,343,730 Last close 0.08 on 26-Aug-2015Bid 0.17 Offer 0.19Trading status Mandatory Special conditions NONE[link]

urrff1 27 Aug 2015

-21%????? Why is this page and my statement now saying -21 % is it a mistake ? Or am I seeing things ?

seadoc 27 Aug 2015

True value? Hi all,I was very tempted at .07p but the most shares I could get a quote on was 2,000,000 and I thought this would be available in larger numbers over the next few days. One more to put down to experience! Today I could get 5m at .24p at 0845 and then the quantity fell (as did the price!) but at 10.25 I can buy 5m at .19p.So what are they worth? The Interim report (I) is not easy to read but let's have a go combining this with figures in Final report (F) for year ended 2014 released 8th June:First a big proviso. In Dec2014 they hit the bottom of the Mammoth seam. This was relatively "dense" as being deeper it was probably too easily flooded to mine by shaft. At the moment they are in an area of 90% rich seam compared to the lower figures (40-60%) in other areas (F). These figures are as good as they get.91,000 tons mined and sold for $10.363m or $113.88/ton (I). Cost of sales of $5.251m which I take to be labour, electric, fuel etc. There were administrative charges of $3.19m and finance charges (for the new gear) of $0.51m but also “other income” (any ideas?) of $1.9m. So from latest (I) and a profit to shareholders of $3.7m we get the total cost of production at 10.363 - 3.735 = $6.628m on 91,000 tons or $72.835/ton. Lets round this up to £75/ton. Remember this is as good as it gets.There are 2.22m tons left in ground (F). There are 4,662,538,502 shares (plus a few options but I will ignore them) so each share “owns” 2.22/4662 = 0.0004761 tons of anthracite. Lets say 0.0005 tons, half a kilo or about 1 pound of coal in the ground. How much would you pay for a pound of (good) coal? That is a question for the markets but lets have a go on the basis of extraction cost of $75/ton with a market price of $75, $100, $113.88 (as of today), $150 and peak price in 2011 $300rice coal $ 75 100 113.88 150 300Cost extraction $ 75 75 75 75 75Profit/ton $ 0 25 38.88 75 225Value one share $ 0 0.0125 0.0194 0.0375 0.1125(i.e. 0.0005ton)At £ = $1.5Value one share p 0 0.83 1.30 2.5 7.5So basically what price anthracite over next 15 years?Regards,Seadoc

goldpig1 27 Aug 2015

Re: WORTH A PUNT! looks like these guys have finally got there act together, been a bumpy ride for long term holder here but i think we could see a good increase towards the penny on this one if they keep it going like this.GLA

urrff1 27 Aug 2015

Well that was unexpected ! 200 to -20 % in the blink of an eye !

jaja 27 Aug 2015

excellent RNS yesterday on WRES and licence due in sept. JLP about to move back up too, zakmir 5p target....

one4all 27 Aug 2015

Re: WORTH A PUNT! yes I need to get to .3 to break eve, this is what Ive been waiting for , critical mass production to push it into profit. will see 1p when year end results announced great news

alltold9 27 Aug 2015

Re: WORTH A PUNT! 400%+?

alltold9 27 Aug 2015

WORTH A PUNT! With an RNS like that!

seadoc 18 Aug 2015

Re: info A bit more explanation:[link] Jan 2011 (the last Nina) the worlds largest opencast mine became the world's largest man-made lake, overnight, and the worlds largest dragline became (just) a marker for the middle of the lake. Met coal went up to $350. WTN was a ten bagger. I moved some of the proceeds into ATC.Regards,Seadoc

seadoc 18 Aug 2015

Re: info This might fuel it:[link]

TigerMax 30 Jul 2015

what a joke this share has been!

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