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cur de bull 20 Oct 2015

Re: The swan coal is just a no no at present this co has a lot going for it they are making real good progress . just sit tight . it will come good . the management are doing the right things to run a good co . it is not a good share price and does not reflect the potential of the co .

m1egas 15 Oct 2015

Re: The swan what a pathetic performance of this share after such a good news. You don't need to have much imagination to what's gonna happen when there is no news or they are not that good. Gotta love AIM! Somehow many other shares which I'm not in manage to go up multiple times in their sp, but, of course, not the ones that I'm in...

nat-king-coal 15 Oct 2015

The swan We could be in for a long hard winter after that swan landed in slim-bridge this week so they say usually the US get a lot more snow-low-temps than we do. That with all the good news we are getting things are looking Hot-Hot-Hot for ATC. (Watch this space)

OditMoras 12 Oct 2015

Re: Technical Analysis [link]

Olical 08 Oct 2015

Technical Analysis No brainer!! Turnover UpProfits UpMargins UpInventory UpPrice of Coal....Up!! Fill your boots while you can. Expect re rating today and bumper news on year end at the beginning of January. A few updates like this along the way will be fine!

etadelete 08 Oct 2015

2nd rns Mid price Sell Buy0.17 +0.03 0.15 0.19going to be good day folks.

Tempestas 01 Oct 2015

Re: Only one way One of the worst kept secrets on aim judging by the trading 7-10 days ago. That aside a very encouraging and uplifting RNS.I try not to get to excited by ATC news as you never know what is around the corner.All in all today was a good day!!

nat-king-coal 01 Oct 2015

Only one way for this now with all the brilliant newstoday.

seadoc 16 Sep 2015

Re: Q3 Results??? Hi Pen,Mark Twain is alleged to have defined a mine as a hole in the ground with a liar at the top! Like you I await the Q3 results but my (small) investment here is based on possibility of a Black Swan Event, and you will be aware of my reading of El nino/La nina. I am in NZ, El nino should be associated with weak trade winds in the South Pacific, a boat has just hauled out in the yard here complaining about how strong the winds were in Fiji over the last few months. So I still hold.If I were to believe the forecast of the imminent arrival of the deepest El nino since 1950 I would sell my ATC, put the money on a put option on a sprinkler company in California, invest in a UK power companies (and companies to remove snakes from round the bend in Queensland toilets) and perhaps even give you a (low) forward price on anthracite. And yet I hold.Regards,Seadoc

penhome 15 Sep 2015

Re: Q3 Results??? Hi SeadocYes, thanks. Seems to be difficult to get forward prices for anthracite.I also read the valuations you posted in August.I think I'm going to wait for Q3 results to see what information there is on cash and stock levels.Pen

seadoc 15 Sep 2015

Re: Q3 Results??? Penhome,There is an amount of coal in the ground (2.2m tons), a cost of production and the price for which it can be sold. To put a price on the shares you need to put a price of anthracite over the next 6.7 years. ?Regards,Seadoc

penhome 14 Sep 2015

Q3 Results??? I’m keeping ATC on watchlist for a possible entry after Q3 resultsI’m not sure Q3 production results will be great as they’ve been stripping the overburden out of the new cut in the Mammoth seam. This new cut’s coal will boost Q4 but probably not Q3.I’d also like some clarity on the reason for the placing. Although small, this seems like a smack in the mouth for LTHs when ATC still has $4m available from the SEDA agreement and are stockpiling coal like mad. A profit of $4.4m in H1 2015 brought an increase of just $220k in cash but a $2.7m boost in stock.The lift in H1 profits came largely from reducing production costs by 30%. This should also benefit future quarters as will the new Mammoth cut. So if they destock in the wintry Q4, cash holding should rocket so long as they don’t spend it all.I’m hoping sub .12p after Q3, maybe wrongly, but timing/decision depends on having a look at the chartAnyone any thoughts on Q3 production, sales, cash levels?

Tempestas 14 Sep 2015

Re: Observation I would imagine that news is on the way. A nice delayed 12 grand trade on lse.Surprised the rns from friday has not hurt the sp more as it was a little vague.Something brewing and not just my cuppa.

Kizzey 14 Sep 2015

Observation A lot of buys on Friday and today. Have I missed something ?

danbrown83 14 Sep 2015

Re: W T actual F Its a small dilution - in essence - from the accounts - we are now profitable (very profitable for Market Cap) but we still have a large amount of Current Expenditure (within a year) listed in Accounts so hopefully just the board making sure we have liquidity these coming months.Remember - Liquidity of a Company keeps it trading, not Assets. They just sell well if needed.Long Term Holders will love this company moving forward

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