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00:23 02/05/2014

TO ALL KNOWN CREDITORS Partners and directors act as insolvency practitioners without personal liability. The affairs, business and property of the Company are managed by the Joint Administrators who act as the Company’s agents and without personal liability. Stephen Cork and Andrew Beckingham are licensed to act as insolvency practitioners in the United Kingdom by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. 13 February 2014 Our ref: ANG003/SRC/AHB/JMF/TRG-15 Dear Sirs, Angel Mining Plc (in Administration) (“the Company”) As you are aware, Stephen Cork and I were appointed Joint Administrators of the Company on 27 February 2013. I write to advise you that the Administration of the Company has been extended to 27 February 2015, pursuant to a Court order of 7 February 2014. In accordance with the Insolvency Act 1986, please find the following enclosures: • Form 2.31B which has been filed with the Registrar of Companies, advising that the Administration period has been extended until 27 February 2015; • A copy of the progress report accompanying the Court application to extend the Administration period. This report also serves as an update to creditors of the progress of the Administration and covers the period from 27 August 2013 to 21 January 2014; and • Form 2.24B being notice of the Administrators progress report covering the period from 27 August 2013 to 21 January 2014. Please do not hesitate to contact Tim Grimstone of this office by email at [email protected] should you have any queries in respect of the above. Yours faithfully For and on behalf of the Company Andrew H Beckingham Joint Administrator

00:12 02/05/2014

see: //

00:05 02/05/2014

We wish to thank the staff at Nalunaq, Angel Mining Gold, for their help and assistance during the tight monitoring program. Sigga Joensen and An- na Marie Plejdrup laboratory technicians at DCE are thanked for sample preparation, analyses and delivery of analytical results.

00:05 02/05/2014

With the closure of the mine in November 2013, it is expected that the ele- ment concentrations in the environment due to the mining activity will de- crease even further.

00:04 02/05/2014

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00:02 02/05/2014

Welcome to the new Angel Mining stream forum! Messages posted in the Angel Mining stream will be logged here for posterity.

00:02 02/05/2014

Concerning the cyanide monitoring program, water samples have been tak- en frequently during 2013. In March the company experienced problems in the plant and high cyanide concentrations were reported. The company shut down the plant, cleaned it for cyanide and started up again. H

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