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11:57 15/09/2014

ebola lockdown will last at least 12 months so there will be limited operation at ami

16:38 14/09/2014

will sp fall as low as back in 2009 around 13p thats lowest for ami, btw sp support is at 15p

02:33 14/09/2014

support 14p resistance 26p there is more selling than buying, if we have more buys then sp will go up, buy when sp start going up and shorters can just burn

02:35 13/09/2014

the chinese want to gobble up ami at a very low price like now they might as well takeover it

12:22 12/09/2014

just sold some and its shows as a buy

12:13 12/09/2014

single digit sp coming? like avm it used to be 280p and now 7p, decreasing iron prices do not help

12:10 12/09/2014

interest rates going to rise and ami got like 1 billion in current debts, i thought pog debt is huge but ami debt is even bigger

01:12 08/09/2014

ami with over a billion debt gl

05:09 30/08/2014

The Toronto Sun has just reported results of an new Ebola vaccine that cured monkeys of virus in lab tests. I am wondering if this stock has finally bottomed out and this is now the right time to lock in with a few more shares.

06:25 28/08/2014

African Minerals is the largest employer in Sierra Leone and the biggest contributor to the county's GDP. And the Chineese did indeed kick in $1.5B for 25% (which values the other 75% $4.5B). So there are some significant stakeholders here with deep pockets and good reasons to make sure this venture succeeds. And the market cap right now is a small fraction of the $4.5B that the company is worth. In fact the existing pricing is not sustainable and a market correction is inevitable. The shares will move off of their "emotional value" and back to their "intrinsic value" in due course. And that will result in spectacular returns for those who are buying in right now.

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